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 Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1

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Amanda Leigh
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 8:06 am

aww hope you are okay Tiff. I myself am up early this morning with a little bit of pain, spent an hour on the couch with a heating pad up to my neck. Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 735214

I read over a few things again, and to be honest, I just don't care enough to try to defend myself against Kyle and Thian. I'm innocent and if yall want to lynch me, go right ahead. For me, it will be one less thing for me to deal with. Thian wants to applaud my step up in this game yet at the same time question my intentions. My only intentions were to try to help yall figure out who is a witch. Thanks to those of you who believe me, and if you don't believe me, so be it, your loss IDC.
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 9:39 am

Okay, Thian, thank you for your advice. I think it helps me to be impartial as well since I hardly know anyone! Here are the questions you guys want answered.

1. Why are you innocent?
I joined late, so those roles had already been given.

2. Are past games important? Not to me. Never played a game here, so I don't know any of you, except Amanda... and believe me, she deserves some payback.. lol

3. Should we avoid a lynch in the first round and wait for the role-holders to make the first moves? No... never change the rules of the game, it's not smart.
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 9:42 am

Also, I vote for Kyle. 99% of the time, the people who blatantly point fingers and attack others are the baddies.
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 10:28 am

DEADLINE: Thursday, February 10th @ 9pm EST

VOTES: (Majority vote is 7)
1 vote of 7 - Mandie (Kyle)
1 vote of 7 - Jordan (PhocQ)
1 vote of 7 - Kyle (Stacie)

Pending Votes: derB, Caroling Cam, Amanda, Dragonldy640, Tiffani, Virtuanno Murphy, Jordan, JJ

*If I miss a vote, please let me know
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Star Sapphire
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 2:04 pm

I agree there Stacie. But I'm still leery on Jordan for his comment about tracking. I think that's his way of throwing everyone off. If he's not a baddie, then he just put a target on himself. So hopefully he's not the tracker.

I'm ok Mandie thanks, was a routine check up.

I'm not sure where I want to put my vote, whether on Jordan for his "dumb" comment, or on Kyle for kinda like bullying and being a bit too aggressive? hmmmmmmmm The both make themselves a bit suspicious by their actions.
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Lucky Star
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 2:23 pm


It is dangerous to call yourself a parent in this game. Kids are valued in this game with power.

The terminology in this game is slightly different than in mafia / werewolf. Where villagers or townies don't have any roles and they make up more than 50 percent of the people.

At least in my opinion, in this game, I believe that by stating you are a parent ((whether it is believable or not)) may be a hinderence since witches will avoid investigating you, or even targetting you sot that they can try to get rid of the kids during the night and leave the parents powerless.

It is the set up that is slightly different. I know it may be a bit confusing to follow or maybe it might not make sense how I explain it and we can't trust flat out role claims.

It would be like saying, I am not a kid, so don't look over this way witches. That in it's self is dangerous. I'd rather lose a parent, than lose a kid at this point and the less we reveal about that, the more difficult it will be to assist the witches in their win condition.

Jordan: two ways I see it, hopefully you come around to speak, I know you got your voters choice going on, and this is your first game. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt but not hearing your voice or opinions can be dangerous for the town at this point.

Kyle: Your reaction fishing, and finger pointing without being transparent in your thought process makes me leery of your intent.

Stacie: You have picked up on something, which is, the ones who point fingers at people are most likely baddies. Take into consideration though, that, if you saw two innocent people arguing with each other, are you most likely ((if you were bad)) to stay out of it and not draw attention to yourself? So now you have two ways to look at this. I am not saying that your vote on kyle is wrong or right as you have formed an opinion which you believe in. Now that you got your lead, follow up with more questions to kyle about things that he has said. This will either discredit your theory, and you can move on to the next person, or it will solidify your belief that he is not telling the truth.

Tiffani: Hope you are alright. As you agree with PhocQ about Jordan stating something about the investigative properties of a role. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, but I find the inactivity when he is around the boards a bit nerve wracking. It may be his first game.

Mandie; I am not arguing with you, I know you genuinly care and are concerned for people in the game. I think it is better if you would like to hear more from someone or want to know their where abouts if they are okay and maybe follow it up with a question to that person about an opinion about the game maybe?
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Lucky Star
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 2:29 pm


PhocQ and derB, along with Jackie and Dragonldy, my vote is swinging between the 4 of you currently. Partly due to mostly with your abilities to investigate and I am just not getting that from anyone of you. As well, dragonldy your response to derB's (why are you innocent)) seemed a bit over the top and I can't at this point judge whether or not your responses were because you are overly defensive witch, or if you are just overly excited innocent.

Who out of the 4 of you, would make a good candidate for my vote?
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 3:04 pm

The way things have gone so far, I find myself agreeing with where the votes stand, but for me, I also am a little suspicious of Cam for wanting a no-lynch. I am not really sure why, but I get the feeling that somehow we might be getting close to something, too close, and he wants to end the round with no action? I don't know, I think that deciding so early to go through the round with no action seems to be a way to kill the round... perhaps it is just me.

As far as the vote for Kyle goes, I understand it and touched on it a little, but to be sure, I think he is just ever so slightly more likely to be innocent, and is just using a really bold method to get people to talk.

The vote for Mandie I am slightly more baffled about, but of course, who among us wants to believe sweet, dear Mandie would betray us? If she was a witch she is acting pretty much how I would expect her to, she has stepped up her game just a little but not much, and she is throwing her hands up at her accusers, warning them that they will look like a fool for lynching her. Of the three votes, she is the least suspicious to me.

Jordan I do not know what to think. He said he will track somebody, does that mean he has a certain role? Is he just being a dork? Either way, as has been said, he certainly has painted a target on his back. But really, I don't think a witch would paint themselves with a role they don't have so early on. I am a little baffled, because he hasn't really elaborated yet. Jordan, what did you mean?

So of the four I've mentioned so far, I would be most confident in a vote for Kyle or Cam, although I am reluctant to vote for Cam just yet because I am wary of spreading the votes too thin. Also, the 'nice guy' in me wants to give Kyle a chance to represent himself a little more in his first game, so I think I may hold off there too.

Thian, I have been paying close attention, I am just trying to post a little less in this game. I am rather tired of trying to carry so much of the weight of the game, while half the cast sits back and merely provides a vote or comes in once a week with a one-liner. If past games are to be of any note, I absolutely loath inactivity, and I am hoping that maybe if I can make one big post a day, and leave it at that, people may be slightly more willing to come out of the woodwork. I understand of the four, I have the most going against me because I have lengthy posts that can be scrutinized. Keep in mind that currently I have nothing to say for the others aside from what I anticipate of their game. Jackie will probably post just as much as me in the future, and PhocQ will likely post something useful, but not often. Dragonldy I am always willing to think she may post more often, and actually contribute more than a vote, but we will see. She has stated that she will do whatever she can to ensure she doesn't get lynched, and you know what a huge liability I feel that is to the village.
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Lucky Star
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 3:57 pm

huh, we also missed virtuanno in the game too
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Star Quartz
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 5:37 pm

The witches are so clearly gonna kill me, yikes. I have played my first game terribly. My vote remains the same. =)
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Star Sapphire
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 5:51 pm

I'm really not sure what to think the first round. You all bring up some good points, but I need to think about it for now. The first round is always the hardest.
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Star Sapphire
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 6:11 pm

Thian wrote:

It is dangerous to call yourself a parent in this game. Kids are valued in this game with power.

The terminology in this game is slightly different than in mafia / werewolf. Where villagers or townies don't have any roles and they make up more than 50 percent of the people.

At least in my opinion, in this game, I believe that by stating you are a parent ((whether it is believable or not)) may be a hinderence since witches will avoid investigating you, or even targetting you sot that they can try to get rid of the kids during the night and leave the parents powerless.

It is the set up that is slightly different. I know it may be a bit confusing to follow or maybe it might not make sense how I explain it and we can't trust flat out role claims.

It would be like saying, I am not a kid, so don't look over this way witches. That in it's self is dangerous. I'd rather lose a parent, than lose a kid at this point and the less we reveal about that, the more difficult it will be to assist the witches in their win condition.

Wouldn't that be the same as in your games though. Wouldn't we rather lose a townie than an investigator? Just like we'd rather lose a parent than a child?
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Star Sapphire
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 6:14 pm

Kyle wrote:
The witches are so clearly gonna kill me, yikes. I have played my first game terribly. My vote remains the same. =)

Why do you think they're going to go after you? The more you say this the guiltier you look to me hahaha
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Star Sapphire
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 6:15 pm

derB, I understand your frustration, but remember, not everyone's as long winded as you and Thian :-* hahahaha
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Lucky Star
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 6:57 pm


In my eyes it isn't the same though, so it will probably be a difference of opinion at this point, so let me try to explain why I believe it is different and then take what you wish from it.

I guess where I am seeing the difference is, parent in a way is a role in itself. Saying to someone, you don't have any type of investigation or blocking, warns witches to stay away from what ever it is and target others.
((now we can't really fully trust what kyle says is infact truth, he could just be hiding pointy shoes and a hat))

It would be like saying in werewolf, or mafia.... you are a vanilla townie ((powerless role))

Townie or villager is an interchangable word to mean you are innocent essentially. Saying you are a plain villager or townie, would suggest ((at least to me, that you do not have any powers))

hopefully that kinda opens up where my thought process is for you.

Tiffani, you all for lynching kyle right now?
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Star Sapphire
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 7:01 pm

In response to Thian's comment about me, sorry but I am getting ready to go on vacation and I have tons to do. I just got off work but now I need to pack and I'm getting up very early - I'm going to be traveling all day tomorrow. I am bringing my laptop but I can't promise to post a ton...but I'll do what I can. If that makes you feel like you need to vote for me, so be it.

All I can say is I do intend to get more into this - the timing just isn't great at the moment.

For now, these are my observations/thoughts. Do with them what you will:

I will say I do see valid reasons for almost everyone who has been mentioned. I know that doesn't help that much, but I am probably leaning away from Kyle at this point. I just tend to think he is being pretty aggressive and idk if he would do that if he were guilty.

I don't really see anything in Mandie's comment which make me suspect her yet. Same with Tiffani.

Jordan has been absent lately so I can see why he would look like a good candidate. Virtuanno has barely posted but I know if that is due to his power situation still?

I usually feel like voting for Dragonlady because the lack of content in her posts just makes her very hard to read. I also didn't much like the fact that she seems to be saying she doesn't really care who goes as long as it's not her. No Yeah, I understand self-preservation but I always feel if the town wins, we win.

Derb, has been pretty sincere so far imo. When I saw his first post bringing up the questions I thought that could be an argument for or against his guilt. He has kicked out a few names, though but idk how committal he seems.

And Thian, well no one has been looking at you. Why is that? You seem very good at deflecting attention off of yourself and onto others. That is perfect evil behavior imo... Would you agree?

Stacie, you took over Vadarade's spot and he could have had an evil role which would have passed to you, right, so not sure why you answered that first question the way you did.

Cam's comment that we shouldn't lynch struck me as a bit witchy.

PhocQ needs to post more, as do a few others.

I'm going to vote for Dragonldy right now with an option to change my mind later.

Dragonldy, tell me how you will be helpful to the town and why I shouldn't vote for you?
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 7:14 pm


can't deny that deflection of attention can be used as a tactic, however it isn't that perfect if you are picking up on it? I would think that play may be more subtle this time around seeing as there is a lot to lose for both sides no?

hope your vacation goes well btw. when you planning on being back?
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Star Sapphire
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 7:20 pm

JJ, I can be more help to you than you could ever believe. But you picking on innocent people makes me suspicious of you. I know you don't like me, but you shouldn't let those feelings get in the way of who's a witch and who isn't a witch. Every game you do the same thing and pick on me! Shame on you! Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 7:49 pm

Whoa.. so much to read Laughing Haven't had much time the past couple days to keep up with the long discussions.
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 8:06 pm

Thian wrote:
This is your first game, are you excited? nervous? what are some things you are expecting or not expecting in this game?
I'm excited, yeah. I have played epicmafia online before and have a general idea of the game, just thought it would be more fun not being so quick and actually playing with people I "know" and can read better. I wasn't expecting so many fingers to be pointed at me just because I'm quiet, but hey!

PhocQ wrote:
I went over all of your posts, well most of your posts, ok a few of your posts and I seen that there Jordan person all chitty chatty when it was about silly stuff but clam up when people started talking serious. So yeah I'll just go ahead and vote to lynch Jordan... or whatever it is we do to witches. Do we burn em? Drown em? Shoot em? All of the above?
WORST. REASONING. EVER! PhocQ = Witch? He seems very skethy to me, instantly accusing me of being one of the witches right off the bat with no solid reason other than I talked friendly, but not game. I didn't talk game so quick because this is my first ORG Mafia type game and would've most definitely liked to hear from others first before I chimed in.

Tiffani wrote:
I'm still leery on Jordan for his comment about tracking. I think that's his way of throwing everyone off. If he's not a baddie, then he just put a target on himself. So hopefully he's not the tracker. I'm not sure where I want to put my vote, whether on Jordan for his "dumb" comment, or on Kyle for kinda like bullying and being a bit too aggressive? hmmmmmmmm The both make themselves a bit suspicious by their actions.
My comment about tracking was sarcastic, I was trying to get a conversation started more on the GAME side than the casual side where it had been the previous two pages. I thought a comment like that would spark someone to say something THEN so a discussion could be started. It appears it "backfired" as it now makes me look shady? I can tell you all I am not a witch and should not be lynched, but you are in control of your own votes!

For the meantime, I really would like to cast my vote on PhocQ. He was quick to accuse me of being a witch for what seems like the fact I have causal conversations and get busy at work.
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 8:14 pm

DEADLINE: Thursday, February 10th @ 9pm EST

VOTES: (Majority vote is 7)
1 vote of 7 - Mandie (Kyle)
1 vote of 7 - Jordan (PhocQ)
1 vote of 7 - Kyle (Stacie)
1 vote of 7 - Dragonldy640 (JJ)
1 vote of 7 - PhocQ (Jordan)

Pending Votes (6): derB, Caroling Cam, Amanda, Dragonldy640, Tiffani, Virtuanno Murphy

*If I miss a vote, please let me know
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Star Sapphire
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Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 8:24 pm

Thian wrote:
Tiffani, you all for lynching kyle right now?

If I were to choose anyone at this very moment, I think Kyle would be the one I'd vote for. He's aggressive, he's vocal, he's pointing fingers for no reason. But then again, we're all kind of doing the same for no or little reason.

Dragonldy640 wrote:
JJ, I can be more help to you than you could ever believe. But you picking on innocent people makes me suspicious of you. I know you don't like me, but you shouldn't let those feelings get in the way of who's a witch and who isn't a witch. Every game you do the same thing and pick on me! Shame on you! Sad

Jackie would never vote for you based on liking or not liking you. She loves me and she's voted for me in the past lmao
I do wonder though, Donna is being much more vocal than usual. Is this because she's a baddie or because she's trying to open up more so she's not the first target like usual?
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PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 8:28 pm

I dont think my opinion matters much but I was glad to see Donna post.
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PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 8:32 pm

why has amanda stopped posting, did I hit a nerve? Dont worry, these small brained peeps would never vote a witch like you out. =)
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PostSubject: Re: Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1   Witches 2 ~ Hocus Pocus Day 1 - Page 5 EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 8:32 pm

lol nevermind, you just did
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