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 March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46

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March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Empty
PostSubject: March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46   March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 EmptyThu Mar 08, 2012 9:18 pm

46 Queens have graced the stage and our tv screens, but only one can take home the crown.

March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_m0ftvzt08A1qbzqexo1_r1_500

March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_lzzttc5vwd1rosb88o1_500

This week is the prelims, to get us from 46, to 32. So let's meet our contenders this time around!

A Quick Breakdown...

1. I made one large bracket with four subsections, one for each season. So the Final 4 will have 1 queen from each season remaining. However, since the first season only had 9 contestants, and Season 4 has 13, there will be a few more rounds to vote in on S4 than S1. The queens are seeded according to their placement in their original season. In the current season, I ranked the remaining 7 contestants by how well they've done in the competition so far.

2. All you have to do is copy & paste my posts, and either bold your favorite that you want to stay, or just list the person you want to stay. You may vote on all or many or some or none. At the end of the week (or after 2-3 days of no votes), voting will close, and the queen with the most votes will move on.

3. Expect a lot of gifs.



March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_lyfme6mBiK1qbzqexo1_r5_500-1



March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_lx7ejopeFS1qbzqexo1_400



March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_lm71uvpKx81qbzqexo1_400



March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_lptvxnxUfk1qjykxzo1_400


March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_lp2axnwqPt1qbzqexo1_r3_400



March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_lrduieAjQz1qbzqexo1_500


March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_ln82ruLg6O1qbzqexo1_r1_500



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March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_ls5k4zDHtC1qbzqexo1_r1_500



March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Tumblr_lzvn65CNRX1qbzqexo1_500

Last edited by dj on Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2009-09-03

March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46   March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 EmptyThu Mar 08, 2012 9:22 pm

Victoria "Porkchop" Parker vs. Tammie Brown

Both of these queens are unfortunate looking, so why not go with the more unfortunate? Tammie wins.

Sonique vs. Morgan McMichaels

Morgan always kinda creeped me out, and that back handspring is pretty much sealing the deal.

Shangela vs. Pandora Boxx

I'm a fan-gela. This was the toughest first round vote, I think.

Nicole Paige Brooks vs. Jessica Wild

Mystique Summers Madison vs. Sahara Davenport

Best RPDR Untucked throwdown ever! Mystique has it.
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March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46   March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 EmptyThu Mar 08, 2012 11:56 pm

Victoria "Porkchop" Parker vs. Tammie Brown

Porkchop only left one, rather disgusting impression on me.

Sonique vs. Morgan McMichaels

Morgan always kinda creeped me out, and that back handspring is pretty much sealing the deal. <<<< I'm just going to steal DJ's comment here because he nailed it.

Shangela vs. Pandora Boxx

I don't hate Shangela, I just love Pandora. I'm sorry, she had me at "SCURVY"

Nicole Paige Brooks vs. Jessica Wild

Nicole Paige who? No question.

Mystique Summers Madison vs. Sahara Davenport

I'm anticipating a Mystique win here so I'm throwing Sahara a pity vote. I like her track "Go Off" and I plan to back Manila when she comes up.
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March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46   March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 EmptyFri Mar 09, 2012 7:02 am

I'm really disappointed that all my gifs are no longer. Sigh

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Star Ruby
Star Ruby

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Age : 35

March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46   March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 EmptyFri Mar 09, 2012 5:18 pm

Victoria "Porkchop" Parker vs. Tammie Brown

-Tamz always kinda freaked me out

Sonique vs. Morgan McMichaels

- Morgan always seemed "rough" to me but she's too cute out of drag.

Shangela vs. Pandora Boxx

- I always felt Pandora should have been in the finals. Have you seen her cooter music video?

Nicole Paige Brooks vs. Jessica Wild

-Broke down queen FTW

Mystique Summers Madison vs. Sahara Davenport

- Sahara falls into the same class as Milan with me....they both think they're awesome and super talented at dancing/acting w/e, but when in all actuality....they kind of suck.
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March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Empty
PostSubject: Re: March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46   March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 EmptyTue Mar 13, 2012 2:24 pm

Tammie Brown
Pandora Boxx
Jessica Wild
Mystique Summers Madison

are all moving on. Part 2 of Round 1 up tonight.
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March Dragness, Week 1, Part 1 - The Fishy 46 Empty
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