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 Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations

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Posts : 5527
Join date : 2009-09-03

Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations Empty
PostSubject: Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations   Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations EmptySun Apr 18, 2010 10:09 pm

[22:36] leveekaleek: i miss you boo
[22:36] djqwiksilver0: <3
[22:42] leveekaleek: you're in mandie's super secret game with me <3
[22:42] djqwiksilver0: i am
[22:44] djqwiksilver0: how do you feel about this
[22:44] leveekaleek: i like this
[22:44] leveekaleek: i think this means you'll be on more
[22:44] leveekaleek: = more zack and deej one on one time
[22:45] djqwiksilver0: HAHA
[22:45] djqwiksilver0: i feel like you want a romance more than an alliance
[22:45] leveekaleek: haha
[22:46] djqwiksilver0: all the gays want me
[22:46] djqwiksilver0: hataz wanna be me
[22:47] leveekaleek: you should have a rock of love org
[22:47] leveekaleek: or
[22:47] leveekaleek: DJ's new ORG BFF
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: HAHAHA
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: i dont know
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: i pretty much hate everybody at this site
[22:48] leveekaleek: =-O
[22:49] djqwiksilver0: not you obvi!
[22:49] leveekaleek: yeah
[22:49] leveekaleek: im just glad im not within driving distance of doug
[22:49] djqwiksilver0: why's that
[22:51] leveekaleek: i cannot stand him
[22:51] leveekaleek: AND
[22:51] leveekaleek: he stole aotw from me
[22:52] djqwiksilver0: LMFOA
[22:52] djqwiksilver0: if doug was in this game i'd crry
[22:53] leveekaleek: really?
[22:53] leveekaleek: i wouldnt
[22:53] leveekaleek: id vote him out first
[22:53] leveekaleek: it would be an easy first target lol
[22:53] djqwiksilver0: lmfao
[22:53] djqwiksilver0: well
[22:53] djqwiksilver0: he's not in this gmae so
[22:53] djqwiksilver0: we're lucky
[22:53] leveekaleek: im scared of boyy though
[22:53] leveekaleek: i know he'll be coming after me
[22:54] djqwiksilver0: hahaha i feel the same way
[22:54] djqwiksilver0: even though ihavnt played with him in a long time
[22:55] djqwiksilver0: in tengaged tho
[22:55] djqwiksilver0: just tell me how to vote
[22:55] leveekaleek: of course
[22:55] leveekaleek: i figured it would be an easy final 5 finish for us
[22:55] leveekaleek: me you and bio should round out the top 3
[22:56] djqwiksilver0:
[22:58] leveekaleek: haha
[22:59] leveekaleek: alrighty im gonna go make some food/ possibly head out to the bars for a little
[22:59] leveekaleek: ill ttyl deej
[23:00] djqwiksilver0: ok
[23:00] djqwiksilver0: cya soon
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Posts : 5527
Join date : 2009-09-03

Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations   Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations EmptyMon Apr 19, 2010 12:35 am

21:30] italboy04: hey
[21:31] djqwiksilver0: hi!
[21:31] italboy04: my name is mussolini haha
[21:31] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[21:31] djqwiksilver0: nice to meet you mussy
[21:31] italboy04: hahahaha
[21:31] italboy04: oh noo
[21:31] djqwiksilver0: ?
[21:31] italboy04: i didn't think about that nickname
[21:31] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[21:32] djqwiksilver0: dont worry. i wont spread it
[21:32] italboy04: lol thanks
[21:32] djqwiksilver0: it wont be a trending topic on twitter
[21:32] djqwiksilver0: #mussy
[21:32] italboy04: LOL
[21:32] italboy04: so excited for the game?
[21:32] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[21:32] djqwiksilver0: i am!
[21:32] italboy04: i know the hosts are amazing
[21:33] italboy04: have you ever played a game with them before?
[21:34] djqwiksilver0: ummm
[21:34] djqwiksilver0: justin i think so
[21:34] djqwiksilver0: i've known mandie for a while but i dont think i've ever played with her surprisingly
[21:36] italboy04: oh cool, yeah justin recruited me for this all stars game with a cast of 30, best online game ive ever played
[21:36] djqwiksilver0: how do you know them?
[21:36] djqwiksilver0: nice!
[21:36] djqwiksilver0: did he host it with mandie
[21:36] italboy04: yeah they were 2 of 4 hosts
[21:37] djqwiksilver0: ah ok
[21:37] djqwiksilver0: 4 hosts damn lmao
[21:38] italboy04: yeah it was an intense game haha
[21:38] djqwiksilver0: how did you do
[21:39] italboy04: man i almost won the thing
[21:39] italboy04: but we constantly kept getting tribal switches and in the last tribal switch before the final 10 merge, this guy had it out for me and got the tribe to vote me off
[21:39] djqwiksilver0: damn
[21:40] djqwiksilver0: i hate when that happens :
[21:40] djqwiksilver0:
[21:40] italboy04: ahh yeah he ended up going to the final 3 lol
[21:40] italboy04: havent played an online game since, that was years ago
[21:40] djqwiksilver0: ohhh really
[21:41] djqwiksilver0: i thought this wasnt too long ago
[21:41] italboy04: oh no it was awhile ago
[21:41] italboy04: but yeah thats why i joined, these hosts are always class acts
[21:42] djqwiksilver0: they do a good job
[21:42] italboy04: yeah
[21:43] italboy04: so you are Khufu right?
[21:43] djqwiksilver0: i am
[21:43] djqwiksilver0: i looked at all the people that everyone picked
[21:43] djqwiksilver0: mine is the only obscure one lmao
[21:43] djqwiksilver0: and smoking jaguar, whatever the shit that is
[21:44] italboy04: LOL
[21:44] italboy04: i didn't see smoking jaguar
[21:45] djqwiksilver0: i wish people didnt choose so...obvious ones
[21:45] djqwiksilver0: but
[21:45] djqwiksilver0: whatever
[21:45] djqwiksilver0: i guess i'll be the only one with a dreadlock beard thing
[21:45] djqwiksilver0: lol
[21:47] italboy04: haha yeah thats why i chose mine
[21:49] djqwiksilver0: so where are you from?
[21:49] italboy04: i'm from San Diego, what about you?
[21:49] djqwiksilver0: oh nice
[21:49] djqwiksilver0: rhode island
[21:50] italboy04: oh cool how is it there? never been
[21:50] djqwiksilver0: its alright!
[21:50] djqwiksilver0: better in the summer because you can be outside more
[21:50] djqwiksilver0: i love cali though i'm looking to move out there
[21:51] italboy04: oh nice! yeah i love cali.. what part?
[21:52] djqwiksilver0: ... LA lol
[21:52] djqwiksilver0: i lived there last summer
[21:53] djqwiksilver0: i went down to la jolla for a trip too...really liked it
[21:53] italboy04: oh nice LA is so intimidating for me lol
[21:53] italboy04: yeah la jolla is where i go to school
[21:53] djqwiksilver0: oooh ok
[21:53] djqwiksilver0: are you still in college
[21:53] italboy04: ucsd
[21:53] italboy04: yeah final year
[21:53] djqwiksilver0: got it
[21:53] italboy04: but i'm 23 lol
[21:53] djqwiksilver0: cool
[21:53] italboy04: actually i turn 23 in 4 hrs
[21:53] djqwiksilver0: WOO!
[21:53] djqwiksilver0:
[21:54] djqwiksilver0: happy birthday
[21:54] italboy04: haha thank you
[21:54] djqwiksilver0: whats your name? lmfao
[21:54] djqwiksilver0: unless you WANT to be called mussy all the time
[21:54] djqwiksilver0: fine by me
[21:54] italboy04: LOL nooo
[21:54] italboy04: haha my name is Joey
[21:55] djqwiksilver0: ah ok
[21:55] italboy04: i went with Mussolini since my name is joey (stereotypical italian name) and my sn is italboy to make it easier on others
[21:55] djqwiksilver0: haha got it
[21:55] italboy04: haha
[21:55] italboy04: whats your name?
[21:56] djqwiksilver0: you can call me dj
[21:56] djqwiksilver0: you're not melloplaya are you?
[21:56] italboy04: whos melloplaya?
[21:56] djqwiksilver0: there was this person a long time ago named joey who lived in california around your age that played games
[21:56] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[21:57] italboy04: oh noooo
[21:57] italboy04: LOL
[21:57] italboy04: i promise ive never heard of that name before
[21:57] djqwiksilver0: haha i'm just wondering
[21:57] italboy04: what did he/she do?
[21:57] italboy04: i'm assuming no good lol
[21:58] djqwiksilver0: haha no i never had a problem with him
[21:58] djqwiksilver0: just wondering if this was the same person clearly ur not
[21:58] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:00] italboy04: haha no not me lol
[22:00] djqwiksilver0: sooo what are you studying?
[22:05] italboy04: hey sorry got a text, i am studying media communication and a minor in computing
[22:05] italboy04: at ucsd
[22:06] djqwiksilver0: ah ok
[22:06] djqwiksilver0: what do you want to do
[22:07] italboy04: i want to get into marketing/advertising
[22:07] djqwiksilver0: ah ok
[22:07] italboy04: theres a lot of companies in the irvine area here
[22:07] italboy04: how about you? done with school?
[22:08] djqwiksilver0: yep i graduated last may
[22:09] italboy04: oh congrats!
[22:09] italboy04: what was your major?
[22:10] djqwiksilver0: thanks
[22:10] djqwiksilver0: i pretty much did the same thing you did? maybe? lmfao
[22:10] djqwiksilver0: i went to emerson
[22:11] djqwiksilver0: radio/audio/media stuff
[22:14] italboy04: oh nice
[22:14] italboy04: yeah i was a media major originally really fun stuff
[22:14] djqwiksilver0: yep
[22:14] italboy04: what do you do now?
[22:14] djqwiksilver0: and now i work in retail
[22:16] italboy04: oh cool, do you like it?
[22:16] djqwiksilver0: because there are no jobs anywhere haha
[22:16] italboy04: yeah its really sad
[22:16] djqwiksilver0: i mean
[22:17] djqwiksilver0: its a job
[22:17] djqwiksilver0: which is more than quite a lot of people have
[22:17] djqwiksilver0: but i'm ready to take a step up soon
[22:17] djqwiksilver0: i really wanna move to LA
[22:17] djqwiksilver0: although CA has a shitty unemployment rate i think there would be more an opportunity in LA
[22:18] italboy04: yeah LA has more job potential because of the entertainment industry
[22:18] italboy04: regardless of the economy, the still do fine lol
[22:19] djqwiksilver0: yeah
[22:20] djqwiksilver0: i'm not quite sure its what i want to do anymore but we'll see
[22:20] italboy04: ah i see
[22:20] italboy04: yeah that was my debate also
[22:24] djqwiksilver0: mhm
[22:27] djqwiksilver0: still trying to figure things out...i'm only 21 lol
[22:27] italboy04: your a younglin!
[22:27] italboy04: damn i feel old lol
[22:27] italboy04: i was 21 not too long ago
[22:27] djqwiksilver0: bahaha
[22:28] djqwiksilver0: i know i dont want to be 22
[22:28] djqwiksilver0: i'm scared mussy
[22:28] djqwiksilver0: scurred, even
[22:29] italboy04: hahaha
[22:29] italboy04: don't depress me i turn 23 tomorrow lol
[22:30] italboy04: and was 21 13 months ago!
[22:30] djqwiksilver0: hahahah
[22:30] djqwiksilver0: woah now dont move too fast you'll pop a hip
[22:32] italboy04:
[22:32] italboy04: hahaha
[22:32] italboy04: so i was trying to add everyones sns
[22:32] italboy04: and it wont let me add everyone, strange
[22:32] djqwiksilver0: weird
[22:32] djqwiksilver0: are they alreayd on ur buddy list
[22:32] italboy04: nope
[22:32] italboy04: like when i try adding someone there name blinks and dissapears
[22:35] djqwiksilver0: weird
[22:35] djqwiksilver0: they're not under ur offline list?
[22:35] italboy04: nope they just disappear when i try adding them, totally strange
[22:36] djqwiksilver0: weird
[22:37] italboy04: oh there it goes
[22:37] italboy04: just had to restart aim
[22:37] djqwiksilver0: yay
[22:38] italboy04:
[22:43] italboy04: so is your character a good guy or bad?
[22:43] italboy04: i can't tell lol
[22:44] djqwiksilver0: i'm not sure
[22:44] djqwiksilver0: he had a lot of children who married each other
[22:44] djqwiksilver0: other than having an ancient incestuous egyptian family........
[22:44] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:44] italboy04: LOL
[22:44] italboy04: hmm so maybe bad guy
[22:44] djqwiksilver0: hey its not my fault my dick was good
[22:45] italboy04: hahahaha oh yeah you a villain haha
[22:45] italboy04: you know what would be hilarious
[22:46] italboy04: if we started a villains alliance
[22:46] italboy04: haha
[22:46] italboy04: i don't know the other players well enough for all that tho
[22:46] djqwiksilver0: is that how tribes are going to be split up you think?
[22:47] italboy04: i doubt it, since there are more good guy players then bad
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: mm
[22:49] italboy04: i have this odd feeling they will leave us at 20 in the beginning
[22:49] djqwiksilver0: i think so
[22:50] italboy04: well if you want to watch out for eachother at tribal councils i'm totally down for that
[22:51] djqwiksilver0: definitely! you are a likeable guy at least from this first chat
[22:52] italboy04: aww thank you so are you!
[22:53] italboy04: so you like your mussy then is what your saying?
[22:54] djqwiksilver0: you are my mussy <3
[22:54] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[22:55] italboy04: LOL
[22:55] italboy04: hahahahah
[22:59] djqwiksilver0: i feel like...
[22:59] djqwiksilver0: you know those old movies
[22:59] djqwiksilver0: where there's that somewhat evil whiny bitch in the long dress that is like cupcakeeeee
[23:00] djqwiksilver0: i'm that person
[23:00] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:00] italboy04: LOL
[23:00] italboy04: i dont remember the cupcakeee part tho
[23:06] djqwiksilver0: well
[23:06] djqwiksilver0: they're just whiny and call the other person weird pet names
[23:06] djqwiksilver0: i feel by calling u that
[23:08] italboy04: oh haha i see
[23:10] italboy04: i dont know if i can handle meeting 20 people lol thats a lot of chatting
[23:10] djqwiksilver0: lmfao
[23:10] djqwiksilver0: yes it is
[23:10] djqwiksilver0: we have 2 days though
[23:10] italboy04: haha true
[23:19] djqwiksilver0: blaaaaaah
[23:19] italboy04: bored?
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: not by you
[23:20] italboy04: the others?
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: nothing on tv
[23:20] italboy04: LOL!
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: NO ONE COMPARES TO MY MUSSY
[23:20] italboy04: i hope not!
[23:20] italboy04: i'll get jealous
[23:20] italboy04: hahah
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: i can already imagine what you're going to write in your confessional
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: this kid is fucking weird
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[23:20] italboy04: i like it actually
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: about em
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: *me
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: hahaa
[23:20] djqwiksilver0: are you straight?
[23:20] italboy04: no
[23:21] italboy04: hope its ok with you..
[23:21] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:21] djqwiksilver0: I HATE THEM QUEERS.
[23:21] djqwiksilver0: kidding
[23:21] italboy04: are you?
[23:21] djqwiksilver0: yes i have a girlfriend
[23:21] italboy04: ah cool
[23:21] djqwiksilver0: i'm just batshit crazy
[23:22] djqwiksilver0: i'm pretty sure there's a lot of gays in the game
[23:22] italboy04: yeah i am certain too, when i use to play online games there were always gays
[23:22] djqwiksilver0: so many....
[23:22] djqwiksilver0: too many.... stealin our marriage and now stealin our damn survivor games!
[23:22] italboy04: lol something about survivor brings em out
[23:24] djqwiksilver0: long live texarkana!
[23:24] italboy04: so you excited to vote people out?
[23:24] italboy04: haha
[23:24] djqwiksilver0: oh totally
[23:24] italboy04: its always so enjoyable in an odd way
[23:25] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[23:25] djqwiksilver0: its a nice accomplishment
[23:25] djqwiksilver0: until its my butt that goes home
[23:25] italboy04: seriously
[23:25] italboy04: we'll just have to watch out for eachother haha
[23:25] djqwiksilver0: definitely!
[23:25] italboy04: 20 is such an intimidating number to begin with for 1 tribe tho
[23:26] djqwiksilver0: well
[23:26] djqwiksilver0: we dont know yet whats happening
[23:28] italboy04: yeah true
[23:28] italboy04: might get split up on weds might not
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: yep
[23:31] djqwiksilver0: brb
[23:31] italboy04: k
[23:39] djqwiksilver0: back
[23:53] italboy04: hey sorry
[23:53] italboy04: went far far away
[23:53] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:53] djqwiksilver0: where to?
[23:54] italboy04: the other room
[23:54] italboy04: haha
[23:54] italboy04: had some company
[23:54] djqwiksilver0: nice
[00:03] italboy04: planning my bday dinner for tomorrow sorry
[00:03] italboy04: going to this cool asian place
[00:06] djqwiksilver0: nice
[00:06] djqwiksilver0: <3 thai
[00:06] italboy04: ah yes!
[00:06] italboy04: spicy asain noodah!
[00:06] djqwiksilver0: SPAHGETTEH
[01:02] italboy04: mussy going to watch desperate houseives
[01:02] italboy04: don't miss me too much
[01:02] italboy04: xoxo
[01:02] italboy04: mussy
[01:02] djqwiksilver0: see ya later! great meeting you
[01:02] italboy04: haha great meeting you too!
[01:02] djqwiksilver0: <3 ur little khu
[01:03] italboy04: whats a khu?
[01:03] italboy04: haha
[01:03] djqwiksilver0: khufu
[01:03] italboy04: hahaha
[01:03] italboy04: oh ok got it
[01:03] italboy04: fufu
[01:03] italboy04: for you
[01:03] djqwiksilver0: ok
[01:03] djqwiksilver0: fufu it is
[01:03] italboy04: lol k
[01:03] djqwiksilver0: night happy bday!
[01:04] italboy04: thank you!!
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Posts : 5527
Join date : 2009-09-03

Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations   Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations EmptyMon Apr 19, 2010 12:35 am

22:37] warioshrew: The screen name looks familiar. It's been a really long time I do not recall a lot of ORG stuff, but this name looks familiar. I am Adam and we're in a game together. Survivor Civilization. I hope we can reconnect and all that
[22:38] djqwiksilver0: hi
[22:38] warioshrew: hey
[22:40] djqwiksilver0: hows it going
[22:40] warioshrew: Celebrity Apprentice and all
[22:40] djqwiksilver0: same!
[22:42] warioshrew: i HATE Holly
[22:42] warioshrew: js
[22:46] djqwiksilver0: haha
[22:46] djqwiksilver0: she's kinda stuck up
[22:47] warioshrew: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:47] djqwiksilver0: but cyndi needs to go
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: summer needs to go
[22:48] warioshrew: leave her alone
[22:48] warioshrew: i grew up with Summer
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: did i lol
[22:48] warioshrew: Figure it Out
[22:48] warioshrew: come on now
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: but she hasn't done anything
[22:48] warioshrew: she won something
[22:48] warioshrew: (for another country)
[22:48] warioshrew: >_<
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: meh
[22:48] warioshrew: i LOVE Sharron
[22:48] warioshrew: I hope she gets a shot
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: i think she'll be in the final
[22:49] warioshrew: i LOVE her. I am so pissed she's not on America's Got Talent this year
[22:49] warioshrew: I hope she gets the spot on the American X Factor
[22:49] djqwiksilver0: she isnt on it?
[22:49] djqwiksilver0: who is her replacement
[22:49] warioshrew: no no
[22:50] warioshrew: there are no spots for the American X Factor
[22:50] warioshrew: OH
[22:50] warioshrew: yeah
[22:50] warioshrew: i heard she was leaving
[22:50] warioshrew: her and The Hoff...or is she leaving the X Factor??
[22:50] warioshrew: idl
[22:50] warioshrew: idk* She's leaving something
[22:50] warioshrew: oh wait....let's see
[22:50] djqwiksilver0: hmmm not sure
[22:50] warioshrew: THERE SHE IS
[22:51] djqwiksilver0: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrri dk they just showed her on the promo for this show
[22:51] djqwiksilver0: so
[22:51] warioshrew: YAY
[22:51] warioshrew: <3
[22:51] djqwiksilver0: she's on america's got talent still
[22:52] warioshrew: Curtis sucks
[22:53] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:55] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[22:55] djqwiksilver0: rip off the suit and roar!
[22:55] warioshrew: im predicting no one gets fired
[22:55] warioshrew: cause of Michael
[22:57] warioshrew: OH NO
[22:57] warioshrew: I WAS WRONG
[23:00] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:00] warioshrew: OMG <3
[23:00] djqwiksilver0: bye bye goldy
[23:00] warioshrew: sigh
[23:07] djqwiksilver0: so how are you tonight
[23:07] warioshrew: (auto-response from warioshrew) I am away from my computer right now.
[23:11] djqwiksilver0: gone?
[23:11] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:12] warioshrew: lol
[23:12] warioshrew: i have to go do some dishes
[23:12] djqwiksilver0: ah ok
[23:12] warioshrew: I am fine. 2 more weeks of school
[23:12] djqwiksilver0: well i'll be here when ur all done
[23:12] warioshrew: then summer classes ugh
[23:12] djqwiksilver0: oh nice
[23:12] djqwiksilver0: are you in college
[23:12] warioshrew: grad school
[23:12] djqwiksilver0: oh ok
[23:13] djqwiksilver0: for what
[23:13] warioshrew: I am from new orleans LA, and I go to university of new orleans getting my Masters of Business Admin (MBA)
[23:13] djqwiksilver0: very nice
[23:13] djqwiksilver0: how old are you?
[23:13] warioshrew: my umdergrad is in Film, Theater and Communications
[23:13] warioshrew: 25
[23:13] warioshrew: ill be 26 in august
[23:13] djqwiksilver0: pretty good
[23:14] warioshrew: and you
[23:14] warioshrew: what about you
[23:14] warioshrew: what do you do
[23:14] djqwiksilver0: i finished my undergrad last year
[23:14] djqwiksilver0: now i'm just working
[23:14] warioshrew: yay
[23:14] djqwiksilver0: trying to save up
[23:14] warioshrew: college grads *high five*
[23:14] djqwiksilver0: because this country has no jobs
[23:14] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[23:14] warioshrew: what was it in
[23:14] djqwiksilver0: Media Production
[23:14] warioshrew: i wish we had that
[23:14] warioshrew: but we're poor so a lot of programs were consolodated
[23:14] djqwiksilver0: mmm
[23:15] warioshrew: which is why I am Film Theater and Communications
[23:15] warioshrew: i wanted to do production, but to make a long story short, it didn't happen
[23:16] djqwiksilver0: gotcha
[23:16] djqwiksilver0: i focused mroe in radio/audio
[23:16] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:16] djqwiksilver0: no pretentious film kid herre lmao
[23:16] warioshrew: i tried to get a few internships in radio but we're poor again and I was like ILL DO IT FOR FREE OMG
[23:16] warioshrew: no one cared
[23:17] warioshrew: I hate films
[23:17] djqwiksilver0: yeah
[23:17] warioshrew: i wanna be Mark Burnett and/or Simon Cowell
[23:17] djqwiksilver0: i had a few internships whcih led nowhere
[23:17] djqwiksilver0: so
[23:17] djqwiksilver0: now i work lmao
[23:17] warioshrew: where ya from
[23:17] djqwiksilver0: rhode island
[23:17] warioshrew: what is your name btw
[23:17] djqwiksilver0: until i move to LA
[23:17] djqwiksilver0: you can call em dj
[23:17] djqwiksilver0: *me
[23:17] warioshrew: >_<
[23:17] djqwiksilver0: ?
[23:17] djqwiksilver0: why the face
[23:17] warioshrew: i have an aunt who is a producer for sci fi in LA
[23:18] djqwiksilver0: ok
[23:18] warioshrew: she is not really my aunt, she is my cousin's aunt
[23:18] djqwiksilver0: ah
[23:18] warioshrew: but yeah....she works for Sci-Fi
[23:18] djqwiksilver0: cool
[23:18] warioshrew: brbz
[23:19] djqwiksilver0: ok
[00:20] warioshrew: back
[00:23] djqwiksilver0: wb
[00:35] warioshrew: IM SO SWEATY
[00:35] warioshrew: OMG
[00:35] warioshrew: sorry
[00:35] warioshrew: youll get used to that
[00:36] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[00:36] djqwiksilver0: you're nuts. i like it
[00:36] warioshrew: LIKE
[00:36] warioshrew: i can feel the heat radiating off my body
[00:37] warioshrew: pulsating
[00:37] warioshrew: OMG WTF
[00:37] warioshrew: am I pregnant?
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: maybe you should go on mtv
[00:37] warioshrew: do sweaty people go on MTV
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: pregnant ones do
[00:38] warioshrew: OMG
[00:38] warioshrew: sign me up
[00:39] djqwiksilver0: haa
[00:39] djqwiksilver0: jersey shore here u come
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Join date : 2009-09-03

Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations   Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations EmptyMon Apr 19, 2010 12:41 am

[22:22] Deetman91: ayo khufu
[22:23] djqwiksilver0: ayo bitchface i mean.......
[22:23] djqwiksilver0: *goes to check name*
[22:24] Deetman91: hahaha
[22:24] Deetman91: Caligula
[22:24] djqwiksilver0: CALICULA
[22:24] djqwiksilver0: it sonuds like that italian song
[22:24] Deetman91: the sickest bastard to lead
[22:24] Deetman91: lol
[22:24] Deetman91: There are few surviving sources on Caligula's reign, and although he is described as a noble and moderate ruler during the first two years of his rule, after this the sources focus upon his cruelty, extravagance, and sexual perversity, presenting him as an insane tyrant, leading many to believe he had neurosyphylis
[22:25] Deetman91: i got STD of the brain
[22:25] djqwiksilver0: nice
[22:25] djqwiksilver0: i had about 23 kids
[22:25] djqwiksilver0: who married each other
[22:25] Deetman91: nice
[22:25] Deetman91: especially cause the number is odd
[22:26] Deetman91: Nothing like polygamatic incest
[22:26] djqwiksilver0: <e
[22:26] djqwiksilver0: well
[22:26] djqwiksilver0: thats just an estimat
[22:26] djqwiksilver0: maybe it was 24?
[22:28] Deetman91: well
[22:28] Deetman91: that's not nearly as much fun
[22:28] djqwiksilver0: lmfao
[22:28] djqwiksilver0: shush
[22:28] djqwiksilver0: so
[22:28] djqwiksilver0: we are back together
[22:29] Deetman91: yes i know
[22:29] djqwiksilver0: when are you going to stab me in the back
[22:29] Deetman91: i haven't played with you since the Mick/Russell mini
[22:29] Deetman91: final 7 I'll miraculously save you
[22:29] djqwiksilver0: and there are a few mini players in this...blech
[22:29] Deetman91: and ill use that as an excuse for your exit at 6
[22:29] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:29] Deetman91: Yeah I know
[22:29] Deetman91: A lotta these bitches know my street cred
[22:30] djqwiksilver0: and a few org planet people
[22:30] djqwiksilver0: mroe blech
[22:30] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:30] Deetman91: i know
[22:30] Deetman91: lol
[22:30] Deetman91: but
[22:30] Deetman91: everyone on ORG Planet likes me
[22:30] Deetman91: accept the ones who actually know who I am
[22:30] Deetman91: so it should be alright
[22:30] djqwiksilver0: ??????
[22:30] djqwiksilver0: that makes no sense
[22:30] djqwiksilver0: i know who you are lmao
[22:30] Deetman91: hahaha
[22:30] Deetman91: i know, but you're sick and twisted
[22:30] djqwiksilver0: why who doesn't liek you
[22:31] Deetman91: people who have played with me
[22:31] Deetman91: lol
[22:31] djqwiksilver0: so everyone
[22:31] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:31] Deetman91: I mean, people who know me "gamewise"
[22:31] Deetman91: resent me
[22:31] Deetman91: im talking all game
[22:31] Deetman91: i don't think anyone really dislikes me me
[22:31] Deetman91: cept maybe Debani
[22:31] Deetman91: but that's bitterness
[22:32] Deetman91: haha, idk though, he probably loves me, but, people translate things from game to resentment
[22:32] djqwiksilver0: haha
[22:32] djqwiksilver0: got it
[22:32] djqwiksilver0: well good thing he's not in this
[22:33] Deetman91: yeah
[22:33] Deetman91: alrighty
[22:33] Deetman91: well, who to make alliances with...
[22:33] Deetman91: i don't trust women, first off
[22:33] Deetman91: all the bitches out
[22:34] Deetman91: hahaha jk, idk why im saying all these things i don't really mean when we definitely are supposed to document all conversations
[22:35] djqwiksilver0: lmfao
[22:35] djqwiksilver0: are there any girls besides kenya
[22:35] djqwiksilver0: and cory?
[22:35] Deetman91: lmao
[22:35] Deetman91: well
[22:35] Deetman91: there is isabella
[22:36] Deetman91: maria theresia
[22:36] Deetman91: nefertiti leguini
[22:36] Deetman91: and joan of arc
[22:36] djqwiksilver0: oh
[22:37] Deetman91: Andrew Jackson just IMed me
[22:37] djqwiksilver0: i wish there could be an org planet alliance but
[22:37] Deetman91: creepy ass
[22:37] djqwiksilver0: too much of a past i think
[22:37] Deetman91: maybe
[22:37] Deetman91: but i think if people assume certain people will side with them
[22:37] Deetman91: when they won't
[22:37] Deetman91: it could work
[22:38] djqwiksilver0: he just IMed me too
[22:38] djqwiksilver0: wario
[22:38] djqwiksilver0: well
[22:38] Deetman91: yeah ne tii
[22:38] djqwiksilver0: i like you and zack and sean
[22:38] Deetman91: me too*
[22:38] Deetman91: i see
[22:38] Deetman91: sean is belasen, yes?
[22:38] djqwiksilver0: yes
[22:38] Deetman91: alright
[22:38] djqwiksilver0: i dk how active those 2 will be
[22:38] Deetman91: yeah
[22:39] Deetman91: zack isn't always gold
[22:39] Deetman91: fuck
[22:40] Deetman91: Andrew Jackson
[22:40] Deetman91: is like...I fear you...and I look up to my are pretty awesome
[22:40] Deetman91: lmfao
[22:41] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:42] Deetman91: hahaha
[22:42] Deetman91: I feel like the Parvati of this game
[22:43] Deetman91: everyone is going to be looking at me and complementing my sexy bod, despite my odd teeth
[22:43] djqwiksilver0: LMFAO
[22:43] Deetman91: and then they're going to try to get me out
[22:43] djqwiksilver0: yo nasty azz face
[22:43] Deetman91: haha
[22:43] Deetman91: I feel like
[22:43] Deetman91: making fun of someone already
[22:43] Deetman91: but i need to be nice
[22:43] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:43] Deetman91: lol
[22:43] djqwiksilver0: DO IT
[22:43] djqwiksilver0: oh please you know me
[22:43] Deetman91: did Jackson tell you his interests?
[22:43] djqwiksilver0: he hates holly
[22:43] djqwiksilver0: from celebrity apprentice
[22:45] Deetman91: i see
[22:45] Deetman91: well
[22:45] Deetman91: mine were funnier
[22:45] Deetman91: lol
[22:46] djqwiksilver0: ?
[22:46] djqwiksilver0: i'm not too chatty with im
[22:47] Deetman91: haha
[22:47] Deetman91: yeah
[22:47] Deetman91: he told me
[22:47] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:48] Deetman91: That he loves ghosts and shit, and is kinda into pokemon a lot
[22:48] Deetman91: I just thought it was a really random first impression
[22:48] Deetman91: lol
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: ew
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: i really dont like this guy!
[22:48] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:48] Deetman91: hahaha
[22:48] Deetman91: I'll be awaiting the Gastly avatar
[22:49] Deetman91: though how much can i joke at him if I can make such a reference
[22:49] Deetman91: for thought
[22:49] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[22:51] djqwiksilver0: so is there any threats?
[22:52] Deetman91: hmm
[22:52] Deetman91: well, i hate using previous knowledge
[22:52] Deetman91: but given everyone else will lol
[22:52] Deetman91: sublimeoqwee1
[22:52] Deetman91: is pretty good
[22:53] Deetman91: and...
[22:53] Deetman91: djqwiksilver0
[22:53] Deetman91: is really
[22:53] Deetman91: gonna be a problem if we don't get him out right away
[22:53] Deetman91: Deetman91
[22:53] Deetman91: asshole
[22:53] Deetman91: that's about it
[22:53] Deetman91: idk half of these people actually
[22:53] Deetman91: tinkimmy
[22:53] Deetman91: italboy
[22:53] Deetman91: Lan
[22:54] Deetman91: idk wtf all these things are
[22:54] Deetman91: let alone who they are
[22:54] djqwiksilver0: lmfao
[22:55] Deetman91: Diggory2002
[22:56] Deetman91: is also pretty good
[22:56] Deetman91: but I think he likes me
[22:56] Deetman91: or...despises me
[22:56] Deetman91: it's usually either or
[22:56] djqwiksilver0: lmfao
[22:56] Deetman91: i forget which one
[22:56] djqwiksilver0: truth
[22:56] djqwiksilver0: sammy is in this too
[22:56] Deetman91: oh yeah
[22:56] Deetman91: i know him
[22:56] Deetman91: he like
[22:56] djqwiksilver0: mrhm
[22:56] Deetman91: will either be wallflower
[22:56] Deetman91: or pirahna
[22:56] djqwiksilver0: he's like a jeremy
[22:56] djqwiksilver0: inactive or winner
[22:56] Deetman91: yeah exactly
[22:56] djqwiksilver0: lol
[22:56] Deetman91: hahaha it's weird
[22:56] Deetman91: it's like they're in 20 games
[22:56] djqwiksilver0: your thoughts on kenya?
[22:56] Deetman91: and they just say
[22:56] Deetman91: "fuck dat shit" to half
[22:57] Deetman91: lol
[22:57] Deetman91: but the others
[22:57] Deetman91: they're awesome
[22:57] Deetman91: are we gonna have like
[22:57] Deetman91: tribes?
[22:57] Deetman91: lmfao
[22:58] djqwiksilver0: i dk
[22:59] djqwiksilver0: maybe it will start out with all 200
[23:04] Deetman91: lol
[23:04] Deetman91: yes, we'll merge at 100
[23:04] Deetman91: lmfao
[23:06] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:06] djqwiksilver0: sweet
[23:13] djqwiksilver0: wow
[23:13] djqwiksilver0: andrew jackson you impress me
[23:13] djqwiksilver0: he's in grad school
[23:14] Deetman91: zomg
[23:14] Deetman91: well, i guess now we can't vote him out
[23:14] Deetman91: lmfao
[23:15] djqwiksilver0: LMFAO
[23:15] djqwiksilver0: no just the way he talked sounede like he was
[23:16] djqwiksilver0: 16
[23:18] djqwiksilver0: sounding like a mitch 2.0
[23:19] djqwiksilver0: what 26 year old says brbz
[23:20] Deetman91: lmfao
[23:21] Deetman91: a very lonely one
[23:21] djqwiksilver0: HAHAHA
[23:21] djqwiksilver0: <3 u
[23:21] Deetman91: lmfao
[23:21] Deetman91: i can't wait til they do what they will with our confessionals
[23:21] Deetman91: and we're just the fucked up bitches
[23:21] Deetman91: lmfao
[23:22] djqwiksilver0: oh i've already told a stranger that i'm batshit crazy and i hope he's ok with that
[23:22] Deetman91: oh
[23:23] Deetman91: i was wondering why ive already been approached to vote you out
[23:23] Deetman91: "jkz"
[23:23] Deetman91: lol
[23:24] djqwiksilver0: ...
[23:24] djqwiksilver0: dont even JOKE
[23:24] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:24] Deetman91: hahaha
[23:24] Deetman91: honestly though
[23:24] Deetman91: we gotta watch our backs
[23:24] Deetman91: cause people already got my name on their lips
[23:24] djqwiksilver0: some of these people know our historry
[23:24] Deetman91: i know
[23:24] djqwiksilver0: well
[23:24] Deetman91: its scary
[23:25] djqwiksilver0: any orgp'ers you want to invest in working with
[23:25] Deetman91: they knew like these mad obscure people who haven't really done anything in history
[23:25] Deetman91: "Luis XIV"
[23:25] djqwiksilver0: LMFAO i meant!
[23:25] djqwiksilver0: yours and mine alliance
[23:25] Deetman91: "Obama"
[23:25] Deetman91: yeah i know
[23:25] Deetman91: lol
[23:25] djqwiksilver0: there is no obama
[23:25] Deetman91: ....nah i won't even play, i definitely didn't
[23:25] djqwiksilver0: and i'm the only obscure leader
[23:25] Deetman91: haha yeah
[23:26] Deetman91: khugu
[23:26] Deetman91: khufu
[23:26] djqwiksilver0: me and smoking jaguar
[23:26] djqwiksilver0: i'm better though
[23:26] Deetman91: hahaha
[23:26] Deetman91: im sure
[23:26] Deetman91: yeah though
[23:26] Deetman91: what we gotta do
[23:26] Deetman91: is get in
[23:26] Deetman91: with the people
[23:26] Deetman91: that wouldn't get in
[23:26] Deetman91: with the other person
[23:26] Deetman91: lol
[23:26] Deetman91: so whoever thinks im a threat, or a liar
[23:26] Deetman91: you gotta get in with
[23:26] Deetman91: and vise versa to those who wouldn't be with you
[23:27] Deetman91: hahaha
[23:27] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[23:27] djqwiksilver0: well who do you trust from our site
[23:28] djqwiksilver0: anyoen
[23:28] Deetman91: hmm
[23:28] Deetman91: idk
[23:28] Deetman91: lol
[23:28] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:28] Deetman91: I guess
[23:28] Deetman91: Zack is good
[23:28] Deetman91: that can be a mutual
[23:28] djqwiksilver0: because i'll be mad straight with you on everybody
[23:28] djqwiksilver0: zack you and belasen
[23:28] Deetman91: I'll be mad straight too hommie
[23:28] djqwiksilver0: that's all i'm looking out for
[23:28] djqwiksilver0: kenya...cory...jordan
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: i know cory is going to be after me
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: he hates me
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: i hate him
[23:29] Deetman91: I see
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: he's a douche
[23:29] Deetman91: ah
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: and loves jesus
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: i'm neither of those things
[23:29] Deetman91: does he?
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[23:29] Deetman91: I see
[23:29] Deetman91: okay
[23:29] Deetman91: well, then
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: and if you use that info against me i will hurt you
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:29] Deetman91: lol
[23:29] Deetman91: I'm sure Cory knows you dislike him, and that he dislikes you
[23:29] Deetman91: but I'll make sure to remind him
[23:29] djqwiksilver0: hahahaha
[23:30] djqwiksilver0: he doesn't need reminding
[23:30] djqwiksilver0: NOBODY likes him
[23:30] Deetman91: haha
[23:30] djqwiksilver0: he's such a cock
[23:30] djqwiksilver0: but i'm not getting into it
[23:30] djqwiksilver0: not wroth my time
[23:30] Deetman91: yeah, lol
[23:30] Deetman91: Well, I have no problems with Cory
[23:30] Deetman91: but that's because I don't have a personality
[23:30] djqwiksilver0: i just would like tosee him make an early exit
[23:31] djqwiksilver0: i feel like kenya could be the dark horse too
[23:31] Deetman91: Me and Kenya are pretty cool with each other
[23:31] Deetman91: I'm thinking the best case scenerio
[23:31] djqwiksilver0: brbz1
[23:31] Deetman91: sadly, against what you might want
[23:31] djqwiksilver0: lmfao
[23:31] Deetman91: hahaha
[23:31] Deetman91: okay....
[23:31] Deetman91: tell me when your back
[23:31] djqwiksilver0: what are you thinking?
[23:31] Deetman91: you interrupted my brilliance
[23:31] djqwiksilver0: nooo tell me
[23:31] Deetman91: people get booted for less than that...
[23:31] Deetman91: haha okay
[23:31] Deetman91: anyways, lol
[23:31] Deetman91: I was gonna say
[23:32] Deetman91: we should have an ORGP alliance
[23:32] Deetman91: i think lol
[23:32] Deetman91: that seems really nepotistic, but to be honest, it might be the best move
[23:32] Deetman91: if me, you, zack and belasen
[23:32] Deetman91: can create a real 4some
[23:32] Deetman91: which I don't think should be too difficult to get going
[23:32] Deetman91: we would have numbers
[23:33] Deetman91: and to be honest, if Cory groups with Kenya, he'd expect me to go with them I think if I let him believe that
[23:33] Deetman91: Idk if it would neccesarily be the best move though
[23:33] Deetman91: but it would maybe be the simplest
[23:33] Deetman91: I can see some of these ho
[23:33] Deetman91: 'ass bitches
[23:34] Deetman91: being on some "he got 1000+ posts...that means he is part of this community, we gotta band together against everyone with 3 digit posts!
[23:34] Deetman91: I think that Cory is smart enough not to go after you right away
[23:36] Deetman91: I don't think it'll work
[23:36] Deetman91: is what I'm saying
[23:39] djqwiksilver0: i agree
[23:39] djqwiksilver0: the thought did cross my mind
[23:39] djqwiksilver0: to pretend we like each other at the least
[23:39] djqwiksilver0: but
[23:39] djqwiksilver0: that's going to take a lot of convincing on my parrt
[23:40] djqwiksilver0: i mean
[23:40] djqwiksilver0: if there's any mending you can do?
[23:40] djqwiksilver0: or at least ask him his opinion of me
[23:40] djqwiksilver0: and then see if he'd be interested in an orgp alliance
[23:40] djqwiksilver0: and how i fit into that equation
[23:48] Deetman91: yeah
[23:48] Deetman91: okay
[23:48] Deetman91: well
[23:48] Deetman91: ill probably spend more time
[23:48] Deetman91: mending the fact if that did happen
[23:48] Deetman91: he and his
[23:48] Deetman91: would be above you and yours
[23:48] Deetman91: which would be the most important thing im sure to him
[23:48] djqwiksilver0: yeah
[23:49] djqwiksilver0: he's pretty clueless to life so
[23:49] djqwiksilver0: he'll buy whatever you sell
[23:49] Deetman91: "DJ told me that he only has problems with you because he wishes he were more like you."
[23:49] Deetman91: "we have unanimously decided you deserve to win this game."
[23:49] djqwiksilver0: um
[23:50] Deetman91: imagine
[23:50] Deetman91: and he's like "okay"
[23:50] Deetman91: lol
[23:50] djqwiksilver0: what a douchebag thing to say - it's perfect!
[23:50] Deetman91: haha
[23:50] Deetman91: alrighty
[23:50] Deetman91: well I'll make sure to talk to Belasen and Zack more
[23:50] djqwiksilver0: same
[23:50] Deetman91: Trevor is in this game too
[23:50] djqwiksilver0: oh right
[23:50] Deetman91: what's your stance there?
[23:50] djqwiksilver0: neutral
[23:50] Deetman91: yeah
[23:50] Deetman91: if you don't mind
[23:51] Deetman91: I think I'm going to make a strong bond with him
[23:51] Deetman91: i don't know him too well
[23:51] djqwiksilver0: go for it dude
[23:51] Deetman91: i think doing that
[23:51] Deetman91: will give us definite numbers
[23:51] djqwiksilver0: definitely
[23:51] Deetman91: then if OP works out
[23:51] djqwiksilver0: zack and i spoke tonight and belasen PMed me so
[23:51] djqwiksilver0: that's in motion
[23:51] djqwiksilver0: i'm just nervous about their levels of activity
[23:51] djqwiksilver0: but
[23:51] Deetman91: yeah
[23:51] djqwiksilver0: u never know
[23:52] Deetman91: are Zack/Trevor close?
[23:52] djqwiksilver0: i dont thinks o
[23:52] djqwiksilver0: its kinda a motley crue
[23:53] djqwiksilver0: kenya, cory, jordan, bela, me, you, zack, trevor
[23:53] Deetman91: bela?
[23:53] Deetman91: oh
[23:53] Deetman91: duh
[23:53] djqwiksilver0: maybe jordan and zack are a little close
[23:53] djqwiksilver0: from tengaged
[23:53] djqwiksilver0: but
[23:53] djqwiksilver0: beyond that i dont think anyone is biffles
[23:53] djqwiksilver0: besides u n me
[23:53] Deetman91: yeah
[23:53] Deetman91: im thinking if i can get close to trevor like i want
[23:53] Deetman91: he can be a strong pivot
[23:53] Deetman91: im thinking if we REALLY did do that
[23:54] Deetman91: that maybe me and him
[23:54] Deetman91: could act like we're more with kenya/cory
[23:54] Deetman91: i just don't know what a deceitful ho he's willing to be
[23:54] djqwiksilver0: lmfao
[23:54] Deetman91: or if those other two would naturally cohere
[23:54] djqwiksilver0: you'll have to feel him out
[23:54] djqwiksilver0: that's your hw
[23:54] Deetman91: alright
[23:54] Deetman91: HW: 1. Math 2. Stalk Trevor 3. Science
[23:54] Deetman91: yay
[23:55] djqwiksilver0: i'm going to be talking to the newbs tomorrow...whoever is around
[23:55] Deetman91: yeah
[23:55] Deetman91: it would appear
[23:55] Deetman91: wario likes me
[23:55] Deetman91: yet fears me
[23:55] Deetman91: so I guess it's like being god
[23:56] Deetman91: he wants to be part of my kingdom...but we all know the true desire of the god-fearing is to kill god and take his power
[23:56] Deetman91: at least that's how I interpretted the bible
[23:56] Deetman91: but i skimmed
[23:56] Deetman91: anyways, yeah, we gotta get a feel on the newbers
[23:57] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:57] djqwiksilver0: i heart your analogies
[23:57] Deetman91: I know
[23:58] Deetman91: half of them will result in me burning in hell
[23:58] djqwiksilver0: lol
[23:58] djqwiksilver0: see you there!
[23:58] Deetman91: <3 brimstone
[23:58] Deetman91: Really though, I don't trust anyone
[23:58] djqwiksilver0: me either
[23:59] Deetman91: and boyy is also kinda ORGP btw
[23:59] Deetman91: just cause he was
[23:59] Deetman91: so that's like...fam
[23:59] Deetman91: ish
[23:59] Deetman91: lol
[23:59] djqwiksilver0: yeah
[23:59] djqwiksilver0: i dk though he doesn't really like me from the way way past
[23:59] djqwiksilver0: so
[23:59] Deetman91: yeah
[23:59] djqwiksilver0: he's very unpredictable and erratic
[23:59] Deetman91: i mean...once again, not greeat to use past games
[23:59] Deetman91: but in OPS2
[00:00] Deetman91: he told people i need to be gotten out
[00:00] Deetman91: and never even bothered talking to me
[00:00] Deetman91: lol
[00:01] djqwiksilver0: yeah
[00:05] Deetman91: so yeah
[00:05] Deetman91: whatever it is
[00:05] Deetman91: we obvious will be requiring newbs
[00:05] Deetman91: cause even cross-sectioned into 2 tribes, each would contain 50% more newbs
[00:06] djqwiksilver0: yeah
[00:11] Deetman91: i see llamasq on my buddy list
[00:11] Deetman91: i totally remember that guy
[00:11] Deetman91: lol
[00:11] Deetman91: from some site
[00:11] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[00:11] djqwiksilver0: i recognize the sn
[00:11] djqwiksilver0: not sure from where tho
[00:27] djqwiksilver0: kenya is on
[00:27] Deetman91: yeah
[00:27] Deetman91: she doesn't seem thrilled about cory either
[00:28] Deetman91: I didn't know this many people were iffy on him
[00:28] Deetman91: what happened? lol
[00:29] djqwiksilver0: um he turned into a raging fuckhead
[00:29] djqwiksilver0: where have you been
[00:30] Deetman91: idk
[00:30] Deetman91: smoking
[00:30] djqwiksilver0: really? i wouldnt peg you as a smoker
[00:31] Deetman91: im not
[00:31] Deetman91: lol
[00:31] Deetman91: but i must have been
[00:31] Deetman91: to miss what seems to be a tirade lol
[00:34] djqwiksilver0: i just dont like how he treats people and makes himself out to be the victim
[00:34] djqwiksilver0: thats all
[00:34] Deetman91: ah I see
[00:35] Deetman91: to be honest, i never really just don't know anyone that well
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: lol
[00:38] djqwiksilver0: we have another mitch
[00:38] djqwiksilver0: [00:37] warioshrew: OMG WTF
[00:37] warioshrew: am I pregnant?
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: maybe you should go on mtv
[00:37] warioshrew: do sweaty people go on MTV
[00:38] Deetman91: lol
[00:38] Deetman91: "Leave me alone"
[00:38] Deetman91: hahahaha
[00:38] Deetman91: do it
[00:38] Deetman91: lmfao
[00:39] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[00:39] djqwiksilver0: RAPE
[00:39] djqwiksilver0: i'm just going to say that
[00:39] djqwiksilver0: mitch friended me on fb
[00:39] djqwiksilver0: he was boring
[00:39] Deetman91: really?
[00:39] Deetman91: that's funny
[00:40] Deetman91: is he a real person?
[00:40] Deetman91: lmfao
[00:41] djqwiksilver0: apparently
[00:41] djqwiksilver0: there are pictures
[00:41] djqwiksilver0: mitch armour
[00:41] djqwiksilver0: look him up
[00:44] Deetman91: creepy
[00:44] Deetman91: hahaha
[00:44] Deetman91: it's weird when you can put a face to incredibly annoying words
[00:44] Deetman91: we're definitely editing a lotta this out btw
[00:44] Deetman91: Mandie approved
[00:44] Deetman91: but...
[00:45] Deetman91: we can leave in most of the hatred
[00:45] Deetman91: just...epicly crazy stuff
[00:45] Deetman91: which nothing has gotten to yet
[00:45] Deetman91: but if we talk more about mitvh
[00:45] Deetman91: hahaha
[00:45] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[00:45] Deetman91: it could get mean
[00:45] Deetman91: lol
[00:45] djqwiksilver0: it already got mean with other people
[00:45] djqwiksilver0: lmaop
[00:45] Deetman91: yeah
[00:45] Deetman91: can we start off by saying
[00:45] Deetman91: article 1:
[00:45] Deetman91: Mitch has 12 friends
[00:45] Deetman91: lmfao
[00:46] Deetman91: 1 of which is Daniqua Jones
[00:46] Deetman91: lmfao
[00:46] djqwiksilver0: dats me
[00:46] Deetman91: yes it is
[00:46] Deetman91: hahaha
[00:46] Deetman91: i didn't realize Armour was his last name
[00:47] djqwiksilver0: me either
[00:47] djqwiksilver0: apparently it is
[00:47] Deetman91: i don't think it really is
[00:47] Deetman91: hahaha
[00:48] djqwiksilver0: me either
[01:40] djqwiksilver0: alrighty
[01:40] djqwiksilver0: beddy byes for me
[01:40] Deetman91: cya
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Join date : 2009-09-03

Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations   Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations EmptyMon Apr 19, 2010 12:49 am

01:40] leveekaleek: hi
[01:41] djqwiksilver0: just as i'm about to go sleep
[01:41] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:41] djqwiksilver0: sup
[01:41] leveekaleek: nothing
[01:41] djqwiksilver0: u drunk
[01:41] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:42] leveekaleek: i guess i already have a target on my back
[01:42] djqwiksilver0: with who
[01:42] leveekaleek: matt
[01:42] leveekaleek: he's campagining for me
[01:42] djqwiksilver0: who is matt
[01:42] leveekaleek: already..
[01:42] leveekaleek: theboyy
[01:42] djqwiksilver0: oh
[01:42] djqwiksilver0: fuck him
[01:42] djqwiksilver0: you are good in the hood
[01:43] leveekaleek: yeah thats how i feel
[01:43] leveekaleek: but i got pissed when one of my homies informed me of the tomfoolery that was going down this evening
[01:43] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:43] djqwiksilver0: well i havntr really talked with anyone about it
[01:43] leveekaleek: just keep your ears open
[01:43] djqwiksilver0: will doo boo
[01:44] djqwiksilver0: u know i trust u lots
[01:44] leveekaleek: a few of them are already forming an alliance
[01:44] leveekaleek: i trust you too
[01:44] djqwiksilver0: who
[01:44] djqwiksilver0: boyy?
[01:44] leveekaleek: boyy and a few others
[01:44] leveekaleek: im talking to someone for details now
[01:44] djqwiksilver0: ok
[01:44] leveekaleek: ill update you tomorrow
[01:44] leveekaleek:
[01:44] djqwiksilver0: gather what u can
[01:44] leveekaleek: yessir
[01:45] djqwiksilver0: kuje
[01:45] djqwiksilver0: like a navajo princess
[01:45] djqwiksilver0: fighting the pilgrims
[01:46] djqwiksilver0: GO POCAHONTAS GO
[01:46] leveekaleek: haha lol
[01:46] leveekaleek: poca <3
[01:47] djqwiksilver0: ok
[01:47] djqwiksilver0: i'm sleeping for realz
[01:47] leveekaleek: kk
[01:48] leveekaleek: sweet dreams deej
[01:48] djqwiksilver0: always dreaming of you hahah
[01:48] leveekaleek: you better be
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Posts : 5527
Join date : 2009-09-03

Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations   Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations EmptyMon Apr 19, 2010 12:51 am

00:13] SunSet141k: Hey
[00:14] djqwiksilver0: hi kenya hows it going
[00:14] SunSet141k: pretty good
[00:15] SunSet141k: you?
[00:16] djqwiksilver0: not bad just watching tv
[00:27] SunSet141k: my brain hurts.. how are you keeping everyone straight?! You would think I was a newb or something.. but it's been a long time since I've been in a game with a lot of people I actually don't know lol
[00:27] djqwiksilver0: lol
[00:27] djqwiksilver0: i know
[00:27] djqwiksilver0: there's a lot of people i dont know either
[00:28] SunSet141k: yeah it's weird.. I'm used to knowing like over half the cast.. whether I like them or not
[00:28] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[00:28] djqwiksilver0: well
[00:29] djqwiksilver0: it will be a good game then a challenge to say the least
[00:29] djqwiksilver0: but you know me
[00:30] djqwiksilver0: i dont know if that's good or bad
[00:30] SunSet141k: I don't know you very well
[00:32] djqwiksilver0: hahaa
[00:33] djqwiksilver0: don't know me - i still dont know if thats good or bad
[00:34] SunSet141k: I mean all I know about you.. is that you are a moderator.. and um.. yeah people call you DJ and um.. that's about it I think? LOL
[00:34] SunSet141k: Oh and you are playing a game on TIB
[00:35] djqwiksilver0: i am? lol
[00:36] SunSet141k: weren't you?
[00:36] djqwiksilver0: i've been a few
[00:36] SunSet141k: I mean the i love money game
[00:36] SunSet141k: I think that's what it's called?
[00:36] SunSet141k: haha
[00:36] djqwiksilver0: nope i didnt make the cut
[00:36] SunSet141k: oh you were a replacement?
[00:36] SunSet141k: I just remember seeing your name on there lol
[00:36] SunSet141k: I don't even like tib
[00:36] SunSet141k: but I'm there sometimes lol
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: the host asked me to play
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: and then waitlisted me lmao
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: and i was in it
[00:37] SunSet141k: that's so stupid
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: but then the last person showed up after i was in it
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: so i got taken out again
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: and i called seb a cunt
[00:37] djqwiksilver0: lol
[00:38] SunSet141k: seb IS a cunt
[00:39] djqwiksilver0: hahahaha
[00:39] djqwiksilver0: i'm glad you and i and the rest of the universe agrees
[00:40] SunSet141k: some people like him
[00:40] SunSet141k: I can say I don't hate him anymore.. but that doesn't mean I like him.
[00:41] djqwiksilver0: yeah thats about how i feel on it
[00:41] SunSet141k: I mean I unblocked him..
[00:42] SunSet141k: because we played in a game where he didn't have all his crew in there lol
[00:42] SunSet141k: he still voted me out
[00:42] SunSet141k: but we were getting along and he didn't gloat when I left
[00:42] SunSet141k: which he normally did
[00:43] djqwiksilver0: mm
[00:44] SunSet141k: so this shall be an interesting game
[00:44] SunSet141k: moderator alliance?
[00:44] djqwiksilver0: yes plz! hahah
[00:44] djqwiksilver0: there are a lot of org planet people in this game
[00:45] djqwiksilver0: i think youre the dark horse lmao
[00:45] SunSet141k: lol well I wouldn't know.. I don't follow the board enough but we could be a target just cuz of being moderators.. which is silly. Dark horse?! Wtf? lol
[00:46] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[00:46] djqwiksilver0: well i've heard youre a good player!
[00:46] SunSet141k: oh boy.. from who?
[00:47] djqwiksilver0: just the collective group of people that play games
[00:47] djqwiksilver0: so aligning with you would be awesome
[00:47] SunSet141k: I'm not gonna lie about being a good player and survivor is the game I"m stronger at.
[00:47] SunSet141k: BB.. grr.. that game is so much more difficult lol
[00:47] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[00:48] djqwiksilver0: well this is survivor baby
[00:48] SunSet141k: But I can be very loyal
[00:48] djqwiksilver0: can.
[00:48] djqwiksilver0: i think we can have a good thing going here
[00:49] SunSet141k: well.. I'm loyal to those that gain my trust.. but if I find out they trying to get me out.. than obviously I'm not loyal to them anymore lol and there is no point in my hiding anything from you when it comes to my gameplay.. because theres enough people in this game that know how i play or have played with me before.. where it be against me or with me..
[00:49] SunSet141k: or just watched me lol
[00:50] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[00:51] djqwiksilver0: i would like to be on the with side plz
[00:51] SunSet141k: I think that could be arranged
[00:51] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[00:51] djqwiksilver0: i feel like i'm talking to the Don
[00:51] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[00:51] SunSet141k: just don't believe everything you hear about me.. theres shitloads of rumors about me.. some good.. some bad. HAHA
[00:52] djqwiksilver0: i dont hear that i just know you're a pretty good strategist
[00:52] SunSet141k: I would really like to know who told you that lol
[00:52] djqwiksilver0: its no one specific
[00:53] djqwiksilver0: just when people talk about games they've been in and they mention kenya lol
[00:53] djqwiksilver0: and that crazy 948 person game you hosted lol
[00:54] SunSet141k: 64
[00:54] SunSet141k: it's funny that people remember that game.. and know I hosted it.. since I didn't host it as me LOL
[00:55] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[00:55] djqwiksilver0: well it's good to be playing with you for the first time 0
[00:55] SunSet141k: same
[00:56] SunSet141k: I laughed when I looked athte group control panel thing where it lists everyone.. I clicked on that before I saw the cast and saw us orange people lol
[00:56] djqwiksilver0:
[00:56] djqwiksilver0: hollaaaa
[00:56] djqwiksilver0: i dont see that as me being a threat
[00:57] djqwiksilver0: that's a poor excuse if anybody wants to use it
[00:57] djqwiksilver0: lol
[00:57] SunSet141k: oh I don't think that either.. the only thing that would make me think of you as a threat.. is you could be close to all these people cuz you talk so much on the board but I know from experience that doesn't make you close to everyone lol
[00:57] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[00:57] djqwiksilver0: in some cases it makes me an enemy
[00:59] SunSet141k: nah I have huge social skills..
[01:00] SunSet141k: I mean it don't look like it on the board.. LOL but that's just cuz I'm not around enough
[01:00] djqwiksilver0: hahah
[01:00] djqwiksilver0: i dont doubt that
[01:00] SunSet141k: I could give you a run for your money with posting.. if I had the energy
[01:01] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[01:01] djqwiksilver0: well i'm no longer the #1 posterr on the board
[01:01] djqwiksilver0: i'm 4th i think? haha
[01:02] SunSet141k: Oh well that's cuz some lame people just post stupid shit
[01:02] SunSet141k: at least your shit isn't stupid
[01:02] SunSet141k: maybe a little smelly but not stupid
[01:02] djqwiksilver0: hahah
[01:03] djqwiksilver0: that comment is win
[01:03] djqwiksilver0:
[01:04] SunSet141k: stroking your ego of course
[01:04] djqwiksilver0: purrr
[01:04] SunSet141k: so is there anyone you trust in this game?
[01:05] djqwiksilver0: a few people who are org p'rs, i've played with before
[01:05] djqwiksilver0: so i know them better than the people i dont know, obviously i can put a little trust into them
[01:06] djqwiksilver0: but you never know with org planet
[01:06] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:07] SunSet141k: lol I find just cuz you KNOW someone.. doesn't mean you can trust them
[01:07] SunSet141k: sometimes I'd rather play with people I don't know
[01:07] SunSet141k: than people I know
[01:07] SunSet141k: cuz usually if I know people that means they know me too
[01:07] SunSet141k: and that could be good and bad.. all at the same time lol
[01:08] djqwiksilver0: i 100% agree with you there
[01:09] SunSet141k: plus if you get like a newbie in a game
[01:09] SunSet141k: they are the easiest to get on your side
[01:09] SunSet141k: LOL
[01:10] djqwiksilver0: truth
[01:10] djqwiksilver0: but a newbie to us could be someone who's been palying these things longer than us haha
[01:10] djqwiksilver0: that we just dont know
[01:10] SunSet141k: that's true
[01:10] SunSet141k: but normally that's not what happens when I find a newbie..
[01:10] SunSet141k: they are the easiest to manipulate lol
[01:11] SunSet141k: but it's sure fun pretending to be new..
[01:11] SunSet141k: I've done that before
[01:11] SunSet141k: letting people think I'm new LOL!
[01:11] SunSet141k: good times
[01:11] djqwiksilver0: hahahah
[01:11] djqwiksilver0: i like to use aliases a lot
[01:12] SunSet141k: lol the first game I played on tib.. was as an alias
[01:12] SunSet141k: and my whole plan was to play Ev's mixed game.. and win and throw it in ammz face.. cuz he hates me..
[01:12] SunSet141k: well I did get to final 2..
[01:12] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[01:12] SunSet141k: but I lost cuz I was being stubborn to a jury question
[01:12] SunSet141k: and then he still didn't know it was me
[01:12] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:12] SunSet141k: cuz I was gonna come out that it was me if I won
[01:13] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:13] SunSet141k: then I tried to play a diff game on tib like a year later
[01:13] SunSet141k: and made a new account
[01:13] SunSet141k: than tib got mad at me
[01:13] SunSet141k: and said I had to use my other one LOL
[01:13] SunSet141k: so than my alias came out
[01:13] SunSet141k: to those that didn't already know
[01:13] SunSet141k: like ammz was like REALLY
[01:13] SunSet141k: lmao
[01:14] djqwiksilver0: LMAO
[01:14] djqwiksilver0: i dont like that
[01:14] djqwiksilver0: they are very iffy with multi accounts
[01:14] SunSet141k: well he was the only one that didn't know
[01:14] SunSet141k: I was shocked he didn't know
[01:14] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:14] SunSet141k: cuz I mean I hosted a game as that alias..
[01:14] SunSet141k: with 64 players
[01:15] SunSet141k: and most of those players knew I was the host lol
[01:16] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:16] SunSet141k: anyway the reason I ask about who you trust.. is mainly because I want to know who I don't have to work on as much if you already have their trust
[01:16] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:17] djqwiksilver0: i'm putting trust in you
[01:17] djqwiksilver0: so you dont need to work on yourself
[01:17] SunSet141k: oh that's good to know!
[01:17] SunSet141k: what a relief
[01:17] djqwiksilver0: but i think that zack and belasen could be good allies to the both of us
[01:17] SunSet141k: I'm the most difficult person to do that with
[01:17] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[01:17] SunSet141k: who is zack?
[01:18] djqwiksilver0: Louis XIV
[01:18] djqwiksilver0: leveekaleek
[01:18] SunSet141k: lol ok
[01:18] SunSet141k: I really need to keep notes here
[01:18] SunSet141k: LMAO!
[01:18] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[01:18] djqwiksilver0: dont worry these bitches will be droppin ONE BY ONE
[01:18] SunSet141k: hopefully!
[01:19] djqwiksilver0: but i mean there's jordan, there's cory, there's deetster, there's trevor
[01:19] djqwiksilver0: that's 8 people in this game right there from this website
[01:19] djqwiksilver0: lolo
[01:20] SunSet141k: OMG JORDAN IS IN IT?! Which one is he?
[01:20] SunSet141k: lol sorry I sound like a freak..
[01:20] djqwiksilver0: is that a good or bad thing lol
[01:20] SunSet141k: Oh I met him on tib.. awhile back..
[01:20] SunSet141k: it's not a bad thing
[01:20] SunSet141k: I just don't know his sn
[01:20] SunSet141k: LOL
[01:20] djqwiksilver0: he is sitting bull
[01:21] SunSet141k: ROFL oh that makes sense
[01:21] djqwiksilver0: ?
[01:21] SunSet141k: that's why it looked familar
[01:21] SunSet141k: and when I first read that name
[01:21] SunSet141k: I was like
[01:21] SunSet141k: shitting bull!? WTF
[01:21] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[01:21] SunSet141k: Cory and I.. don't have the best history.. he just pisses me off a lot
[01:21] SunSet141k: I don't have issues with deetster
[01:22] SunSet141k: and who is trevor?
[01:22] djqwiksilver0: trevor i think his name is trevor
[01:22] djqwiksilver0: on orgp
[01:23] djqwiksilver0: he doesn't post much but he's part of the community and has been pre-orgp
[01:23] djqwiksilver0: lol you and cory dont like each other? lmao
[01:23] SunSet141k: no I mean in the game silly lol
[01:23] djqwiksilver0: oh
[01:23] djqwiksilver0: trevor is napoleon
[01:23] SunSet141k: yes I tried very hard to work with Cory.. in the past.. and it just didn't work cuz he's a liar.
[01:23] djqwiksilver0: which is funny because he probably told you that you were the one lying to him
[01:24] SunSet141k: and like I gave him chance after chance
[01:24] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:24] SunSet141k: and he kept doing it
[01:24] SunSet141k: omg he made me angry
[01:24] SunSet141k: and I think I played in a game he hosted
[01:24] SunSet141k: and I got mad at him as a host too!
[01:24] djqwiksilver0: cory?r
[01:24] SunSet141k: yeah
[01:24] djqwiksilver0: he's different from when i first met him
[01:24] SunSet141k: omg he made me so mad lol
[01:24] djqwiksilver0: was that the game u played with mandie and justin
[01:24] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:24] SunSet141k: like seriously people can't make me mad too easily but him.. ugh.
[01:24] SunSet141k: Yes
[01:24] SunSet141k: lol
[01:24] djqwiksilver0: and jess
[01:24] SunSet141k: yes
[01:24] djqwiksilver0: ok
[01:25] SunSet141k: I joined it with justin
[01:25] SunSet141k: mandie and jess were already there
[01:25] djqwiksilver0: ah ok
[01:25] SunSet141k: we just didn't know
[01:25] SunSet141k: well I knew jess was
[01:25] SunSet141k: and was happy to see her
[01:25] djqwiksilver0:
[01:25] SunSet141k: cuz I met her at alt
[01:25] SunSet141k: in the game I won there
[01:25] djqwiksilver0: ah ok
[01:25] djqwiksilver0: didnt know you won a game there!
[01:25] SunSet141k: I did!
[01:25] SunSet141k: lol
[01:25] SunSet141k: the only game I played there
[01:25] SunSet141k: Orlando never posted results..
[01:25] SunSet141k: but I made him tell me like 6 months later
[01:25] SunSet141k: what the results were
[01:25] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:25] SunSet141k: which was me winning
[01:25] SunSet141k: lol
[01:25] djqwiksilver0: he hosted a game at alt?
[01:25] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[01:26] djqwiksilver0: where was i lmfao
[01:26] SunSet141k: yes he did lol
[01:26] SunSet141k: it was that survivor wedding game..
[01:26] SunSet141k: and someone told him to contact me and I turned him down when he told me the game
[01:26] SunSet141k: I actually laughed in his face..
[01:26] SunSet141k: so did a friend of mine..
[01:26] SunSet141k: then a month later
[01:26] SunSet141k: we were like we should play a game on alt
[01:26] SunSet141k: so we applied for his game
[01:26] SunSet141k: and he casted us both LOL
[01:26] SunSet141k: and my friend was an alias
[01:27] SunSet141k: well an alias playing as an alias lol
[01:27] SunSet141k: actually I met.. two people in this game there too
[01:27] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:27] SunSet141k: oh and mandie was even in that game
[01:27] djqwiksilver0: ok
[01:27] djqwiksilver0: i might have been in that game for like 2 rounds i dk
[01:27] djqwiksilver0: was it the strangers with candy people
[01:27] SunSet141k: oh maybe
[01:28] SunSet141k: um
[01:28] djqwiksilver0: i dont really remember
[01:28] djqwiksilver0: i was iris
[01:28] djqwiksilver0: the old lunch lady
[01:28] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[01:28] djqwiksilver0: but i dk if i played in teh wedding party game
[01:28] SunSet141k: there was people like timothy.. tammy, theresa, cuddles, flufferton
[01:28] djqwiksilver0: yeah
[01:28] SunSet141k: shelly
[01:28] djqwiksilver0: the damn animals!
[01:28] SunSet141k: jesus
[01:28] djqwiksilver0: hmmm
[01:28] SunSet141k: brant <3 he was jesus
[01:29] djqwiksilver0: hahahaa
[01:29] SunSet141k: and was in the final 3 with me and jess
[01:29] SunSet141k: jess was emily
[01:30] djqwiksilver0: ah ok
[01:30] SunSet141k: yeppers
[01:31] SunSet141k: umm I think a guy named jeremy was in there too
[01:31] djqwiksilver0: yep
[01:31] djqwiksilver0: he hosted the first one
[01:31] SunSet141k: I love that I won since I was the mother of the bride
[01:32] SunSet141k: and that's where I met Bryan!!! <3
[01:32] SunSet141k: omg..
[01:32] SunSet141k: love him
[01:32] SunSet141k: he was cast as my husband lol
[01:32] djqwiksilver0: haha
[01:35] SunSet141k: I thought it was really weird that it happened that way cuz we get along really well lol
[01:35] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:35] djqwiksilver0: chance
[01:36] SunSet141k: at first I thought he was justin
[01:36] SunSet141k: and it freaked me out
[01:36] SunSet141k: not cuz I don't like justin but because I thought it would be really weird if I had randomly ended up in a game with justin
[01:36] SunSet141k: I actually met justin through being a PW to a game..
[01:36] SunSet141k: LMAO
[01:36] SunSet141k: I was reading his confessional and I just liked him so I messaged him and talked to him
[01:36] SunSet141k: that game lasted 2 rounds and then was deleted
[01:37] SunSet141k: lol
[01:37] SunSet141k: so weird..
[01:38] SunSet141k: I talk too much I know.. maybe I should shut up for awhile
[01:38] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:38] djqwiksilver0: no im just listening
[01:38] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:38] SunSet141k: creeper
[01:38] djqwiksilver0: and its 13
[01:38] djqwiksilver0: 130
[01:38] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:38] djqwiksilver0: where i am anyway
[01:38] SunSet141k: 13 eh? wow
[01:38] SunSet141k: it's 10:38 here
[01:38] djqwiksilver0: i have work tomorrow
[01:39] djqwiksilver0: i should prob sleep soon lol
[01:39] SunSet141k: I work tomorrow too
[01:39] SunSet141k: but not till 2
[01:39] SunSet141k: my time
[01:40] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:40] SunSet141k: I don't wanna go to work though
[01:40] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:40] SunSet141k: I feel like I was ripped off my days off cuz I was outta town
[01:40] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:41] SunSet141k: i wish my cohost would come online
[01:41] SunSet141k: I'm going to be hosting soon
[01:41] SunSet141k:
[01:41] djqwiksilver0: ciik
[01:41] djqwiksilver0: cool
[01:41] djqwiksilver0: where
[01:42] SunSet141k: in my backyard
[01:42] SunSet141k: lol jk on a proboard
[01:42] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:42] djqwiksilver0: i claim the tireswing
[01:42] djqwiksilver0: in your backyard
[01:43] djqwiksilver0: Survivor: The Treehouse in Kenya's Backyard
[01:43] djqwiksilver0: with cohost Russell Hantz
[01:43] SunSet141k: lmao!
[01:43] SunSet141k: You're awesome <3
[01:43] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:43] djqwiksilver0: do you know the theme of the game yet
[01:43] SunSet141k: but really I'm hosting a BB game.. BBTwister2 actually
[01:44] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:44] djqwiksilver0: very nice
[01:44] djqwiksilver0: zzzzzz,,,,,,,,,
[01:44] djqwiksilver0: my eyes are closing on me
[01:44] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:44] SunSet141k: shit I'm not that boring
[01:45] djqwiksilver0: no ive just been up all day
[01:45] SunSet141k: really?!
[01:45] SunSet141k: I thought you slept all day
[01:45] djqwiksilver0: lmfao hell no
[01:45] djqwiksilver0: i wake up at like 7 or 8
[01:45] SunSet141k: ew
[01:45] SunSet141k: why
[01:45] djqwiksilver0: which is 4 or 5 ur time
[01:45] djqwiksilver0: working
[01:45] djqwiksilver0: and my body is just used to that
[01:46] djqwiksilver0: haha
[01:46] djqwiksilver0: also i hate sleeping in
[01:46] djqwiksilver0: feels like a waste of a day
[01:47] SunSet141k: well I get up at like 9 or 10
[01:47] SunSet141k: depending on how late I stay up
[01:47] SunSet141k: I tend to stay up late
[01:47] djqwiksilver0: ah
[01:48] djqwiksilver0: i dont tend to stay up this late which is why i need to go sleepybyes lmao
[01:48] SunSet141k: why you up this late now?
[01:48] djqwiksilver0: i dk
[01:48] djqwiksilver0: just up lol
[01:48] SunSet141k: too excited for this game
[01:49] SunSet141k: and all the confussing character names
[01:49] SunSet141k: did you purposely pick a weird one?
[01:49] djqwiksilver0: lmao yes
[01:49] djqwiksilver0: i didnt want to go with someone i knew
[01:49] djqwiksilver0: like most of these boring ones
[01:49] SunSet141k: lmao
[01:49] djqwiksilver0: but whatever
[01:50] SunSet141k: Honestly.. I had a twilight moment when I picked mine..
[01:50] SunSet141k: lmao
[01:50] djqwiksilver0: oh dear
[01:50] djqwiksilver0: haha
[01:50] djqwiksilver0: on that note i better go befor you start drooling over edward
[01:50] djqwiksilver0: lol
[01:50] SunSet141k: eww
[01:50] djqwiksilver0: or jacob
[01:50] SunSet141k: I'm not that kind of girl
[01:50] djqwiksilver0: or dakota fanning
[01:50] SunSet141k: lol
[01:50] djqwiksilver0: lmao
[01:51] djqwiksilver0: i'll lttyl
[01:51] SunSet141k: I don't even care for the movies
[01:51] SunSet141k: I just liked the books lol
[01:51] djqwiksilver0: hahaha
[01:51] SunSet141k: anyway have a good sleep!
[01:51] djqwiksilver0: u too
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Join date : 2009-09-03

Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations   Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations EmptyMon Apr 19, 2010 11:06 am

[10:04] djqwiksilver0: good morning
[10:05] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: hello
[10:05] djqwiksilver0: hows it going?
[10:05] djqwiksilver0: we're in survivor civilizations
[10:06] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: good. and nice
[10:06] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: I'm on the road driving from disneyworld home
[10:07] djqwiksilver0: oh wow
[10:07] djqwiksilver0: hopefully you're not the one driving right
[10:07] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: I am. lmao
[10:08] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: 19 hr drive
[10:08] djqwiksilver0: hahaha how are you on your computer? hehehe
[10:09] djqwiksilver0: 19 hrs?! are you coming from florida
[10:09] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: wiphone
[10:09] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: iPhone *
[10:09] djqwiksilver0: ah ok
[10:09] djqwiksilver0: lol
[10:09] djqwiksilver0: please dont let this conversation be the result of your car becoming a mangled wreck! haha
[10:13] djqwiksilver0: i dont want to introduce myself as "the one who killed nefertiti via iphone" lmao
[10:13] djqwiksilver0: where are you driving to?
[10:15] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: lmao
[10:15] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: from Florida to Illinois
[10:16] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: just finished vacation
[10:16] djqwiksilver0: cool. spring break?
[10:25] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: lol. no just vacation
[10:25] tinkimmy/Nefertiti: we had a blast!
[10:29] djqwiksilver0: nice
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Posts : 5527
Join date : 2009-09-03

Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations   Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations EmptyMon Apr 19, 2010 11:06 am

[10:03] djqwiksilver0: good morning
[10:03] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: morning.
[10:03] djqwiksilver0: this is dj from the survivor civilizations game 0
[10:04] djqwiksilver0: /khufu
[10:04] djqwiksilver0: lol
[10:04] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Hi, I'm Lauren. Nice to meet you.
[10:06] djqwiksilver0: nice to meet you too
[10:07] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: So, how are you this morning?
[10:07] djqwiksilver0: i'm good just hanging out
[10:08] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I'm just waking up, lol.
[10:10] djqwiksilver0: nice
[10:10] djqwiksilver0: so do you know justin or mandie?
[10:10] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I know Justin. We were in a game together a few years ago. He won that game, too. Whom do you know?
[10:11] djqwiksilver0: i know both but mandie invited me
[10:12] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Cool.
[10:14] djqwiksilver0: so are you excited to play the game?
[10:14] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I haven't gotten a chance to say hi to Mandie yet; I don't think we've been on at the same time. I hope I do before the game starts.
[10:15] djqwiksilver0: she's nice!
[10:15] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: YES! I can't wait for this whole thing to get started. I haven't been in a game in almost a year, and this game just seems so cool.
[10:17] djqwiksilver0: nice
[10:17] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: How about you? Are you looking forward to it?
[10:18] djqwiksilver0: i am! they are awesome hosts
[10:18] Meebo Message: Could not IM buddy
[10:20] djqwiksilver0: it should be a good game 0
[10:21] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Indeed. Have you been in one of Justin's or Mandie's games before?
[10:21] djqwiksilver0: yep, but that was years ago lol
[10:21] djqwiksilver0: i did terrible lmao
[10:23] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I've never been in a game hosted by either one. I notice I either do really well or unbelievably bad, with nothing in between, in these sorts of games.
[10:23] djqwiksilver0: haha
[10:23] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I always have fun, though, and that's the important thing; I guess.
[10:23] djqwiksilver0: i agree
[10:24] djqwiksilver0: sometimes people get way too caught up in the game from the start of it
[10:24] djqwiksilver0: makes it no fun
[10:25] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Yeah, I know what you mean.
[10:29] djqwiksilver0: so where are you from?
[10:30] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I'm from the Boston area of Massachusetts. You?
[10:30] djqwiksilver0: rhode island
[10:30] djqwiksilver0: i love boston! i was there yesterday lol
[10:30] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Wow, cool. I live in a suburb of Boston, so you probably weren't too far from me.
[10:31] djqwiksilver0: ah ok
[10:32] djqwiksilver0: i went to college there too so i know a good amount of the city lol
[10:32] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Coolness.
[10:33] djqwiksilver0: yep yep
[10:33] djqwiksilver0: how old are you?
[10:34] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I'm usually considered old in these games. I'm 31. You?
[10:35] djqwiksilver0: lol that's not that old. im 21
[10:35] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I guess I'm not that ancient, hehe.
[10:35] djqwiksilver0: haha
[10:36] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: So, what do you like to do for fun?
[10:37] djqwiksilver0: the weather is finally getting nicer outside so being outside is always a plus
[10:37] djqwiksilver0: especially after all the rain we've been having
[10:37] djqwiksilver0: but traveling, seeing friends...all that sort of stuff lol
[10:38] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Yeah, I know! We've had an unbelievable amount of rain lately. I even like the rain, but this is a little much. Oy. It looks like a nice day today, though. Whee!
[10:38] djqwiksilver0:
[10:38] djqwiksilver0: too bad i'm working later lmao
[10:39] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I've got Patriots Day off.
[10:39] djqwiksilver0: ohhhh right the marathon!
[10:40] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Mmhmm.
[10:44] djqwiksilver0: so what do you do?
[10:46] djqwiksilver0: forr worrk, i mean
[10:47] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I'm a tutor, child care provider, and I also assist an elderly hanicapped woman. And you?
[10:47] djqwiksilver0: right now i work in retail lol
[10:48] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Nada wrong with that.
[10:48] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I mainly tutor in algebra. I love algebra. I wish it were sentient, and I could marry it and have its babies.
[10:50] djqwiksilver0: hahahah
[10:50] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I have a weird sense of humor; don't mind me.
[10:51] djqwiksilver0: believe me that was hilarious lmao
[10:52] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Hehehe. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
[11:02] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: So, have you ever won a Survivor game?
[11:03] djqwiksilver0: yeah but its been a long time lol
[11:03] djqwiksilver0: i dont play as much as i used to...i usually only play a game when people ask me to
[11:03] djqwiksilver0: lol
[11:04] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I only play when asked, too. I was happy when Justin invited me to play.
[11:04] djqwiksilver0: awesome
[11:04] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I've never won, lol.
[11:04] djqwiksilver0: i'm glad because i dont know everyone so its a nice change of pace to meet some people
[11:05] djqwiksilver0: aw
[11:07] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Yeah, I don't really think I know anyone in this game, so I'm meeting everyone for the first time, which is cool.
[11:11] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I think I'm too easily amused. I just read this website, and giggled like crazy. The 5 Stages of Owning a Pet |
[11:20] djqwiksilver0: lol
[11:20] djqwiksilver0: the picture at the end is cute
[11:20] djqwiksilver0: i'm convincing myself that the dog is asleep and not really dead
[11:20] djqwiksilver0: lol
[11:20] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Lol..I know. I don't want that to be an actual dead dog, either.
[11:21] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: And yuck, underlined text. I'll put it back to normal now.
[11:21] djqwiksilver0: haha
[11:21] djqwiksilver0: now its blue
[11:21] djqwiksilver0: like...cookie monster.
[11:22] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Hehe..C IS FOR COOKIE! Lol.
[11:23] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: I have a theory that cookie monster was a pot head. LOL. He always had the munchies.
[11:23] djqwiksilver0: LMFAO
[11:23] djqwiksilver0: if it wasnt him it was definitely jim henson
[11:23] djqwiksilver0: lol
[11:24] Sneaker Souless/Maria Theresa: Yeah..hehe.
[11:25] djqwiksilver0: brb
[11:38] djqwiksilver0: back
[12:05] djqwiksilver0: alright i gtg
[12:05] djqwiksilver0: ttyl!
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Join date : 2009-09-03

Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations   Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations EmptyTue Apr 20, 2010 11:59 am

me:hey there 0
RB RichBoyy:Surprised DJ
me:hows it going sir
RB RichBoyy:Good dude, didn't see you on. I'm still in the process of getting all the SNs in the proper spots, moving names from other older categories and such.
RB RichBoyy:How goes it on your end?
me:yeah i hear ya lol
me:i'm good! yourself
RB RichBoyy:Good man, got the day off, just gonna relax. I got to sleep in. Day is starting off pretty good =)
me:nice 0
RB RichBoyy:Been a while. Either you haven't been playing games or we just don't play anywhere that we'd bump into each other.
me:i stopped for a while
me:got too busy and i didnt really talk to forums i really went to lol
me:i started playing maybe again in october-ish
Sent at 12:29 on Tuesday
RB RichBoyy:Ah I see, yah I've been playing but usually just the odd game here or there. I've been really busy just working and whatnot. And I've got a summer class coming up starting May 3rd.
Sent at 12:31 on Tuesday
RB RichBoyy:I think the last time you/I played was that big 40 person game lol
RB RichBoyy:And we worked together but then you got lost somewhere in all the shuffles or early merge =/
Sent at 12:33 on Tuesday
me:was it with madnie and justin hosting?
me:its very possible i dont remember lmao
RB RichBoyy:Yes it was
RB RichBoyy:At Alt
me:ah ok
me:yeah there was a lot of people in that one too
me:the dave ball doppleganger
RB RichBoyy:With the different like civilizations. We were Vikings ^_^
RB RichBoyy:Dave Ball doppleganger? What? o.O
Sent at 12:36 on Tuesday
me:oh yes!
me:you still watch surrvivor right
RB RichBoyy:Yeah
me:remember dave ball
me:from last season
RB RichBoyy:Uh huh
me:there was a dude in that game that looked like him
me:i dont remember why thats the only thing i can recal but
RB RichBoyy:Oh lol
RB RichBoyy:Yah I don't recall at all :x
RB RichBoyy:I just remember in the end it was super retarded and all the Altreality people that were on the jury voted for Jeremy to win just because he was an Altreality person and they wanted someone from their home site to win
me:lmao yep
me:jeremy and all these tools
me:but they aren't in this game thank god
RB RichBoyy:Mmm thankfully
RB RichBoyy:So I've heard rumours that this first IC is individual -_-; No tribes yet.
Sent at 12:42 on Tuesday
RB RichBoyy:I want tribes
RB RichBoyy:Too many people to talk to otherwise
me:i keep hearing that it may be a 020 person game to start off with
me:which is fine
RB RichBoyy:Ew not fine by me lol
RB RichBoyy:Do you know a lot of people?
Sent at 12:46 on Tuesday
me:a few but theres a lot that wont talk to me lmao
me:i IM them and the convo lasts 1 min or less lol
RB RichBoyy:Yah, I know that feeling -_-;
RB RichBoyy:I know a few and I don't think I'm on good terms with some of them
RB RichBoyy:And one in particular I'm kinda annoyed at because I tried to recruit them for my game I tried hosting a while back and they never ever ever even responded to my IMs any of the times I IMed them
RB RichBoyy:Like way to be fucking rude. I'm wondering if they'll bother to respond to my IMs now that we're playing a game together **eyeroll**
me:uh oh
me:who was that
RB RichBoyy:Jordan
RB RichBoyy:Are you and him friends? lol
RB RichBoyy:
me:more like
me:the short answer is no
RB RichBoyy:LOL
me:let's put it this way
me:jordan hosts this little vote off game at the site
me:and you get to nominate like 12 people
me:so morris (retreatfrmthesun) nominated me
me:and like he saved me every damn time lmao
me:so i started playing it just to save myself
me:and then one night we were all online and like 5 people from the sight singlehandedly eliminated me by posting all at the saem time - it was premeditated
me:and then me and mo used his rules and veto'd the elimination and saved me
me:i won 10th place
RB RichBoyy:lol
RB RichBoyy:So Jordan wanted you out of his game?
me:well, i would say it was JUST him but
me:he and i aren't bffs
me:and it pissed me off that we were all online that one night
me:and they all posted to get my name out of his game
RB RichBoyy:I don't think I had very good experiences playing with him in past games at like OS (yes that is so far back...but I know not to trust him LOL)
me:i was the only member of the site that was nominated to be in it in the first place, the rest of them were cartoon characters and celebrities
me:well i hosted OPS1
me:he was in that
me:he was a schemer but they voted him out early due to a tribe switch
RB RichBoyy:Did you play in OPS2?
RB RichBoyy:Who were you >_<
me:i bet you beat me lmao
me:i did terrible
me:i was also screwed by a twist
RB RichBoyy:I was Merlotte
me:i was ONLY
me:the sassiest gay black man on the planet
RB RichBoyy:Aw =/
me:fucking alice
RB RichBoyy:I dunno if we would have ended up allying. Maybe we woulda. I think I was set on allying with Jason, Bill, Eric, Jessica though. Boourns on Jessica though.
RB RichBoyy:Boo urns
me:well i really didnt have time for that
RB RichBoyy:Like BOOOO to the extreme
me:butr jason and bill were the only people i talked to lmao
me:yeah jessica is a big bitch
RB RichBoyy:Complains in all her confessionals (according to the episodes) that no one talks to her
RB RichBoyy:I tried to talk to her, she didn't try and talk to me. I hated that game because it didn't use AIM.
RB RichBoyy:Kay well I gtg shower but I'll be around a various times today
RB RichBoyy:If you wanna work together in this game I'm up for that
RB RichBoyy:Maybe we can get Jordan out early rofl
me:i gotta get going myself
me:work in an hour
me:but yes
me:we should defintely work together
RB RichBoyy:8-) yay
me:i'd be up for it
RB RichBoyy:Okay done and done. I think we've always been on good terms and I look forward to another alliance with ya! Have fun at work dude.
me:definitely! tty tonight!
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Khufu: Pre-Game Conversations Empty
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