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 Doug's 5000th Post

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Shooting Star
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 9:10 pm

So there you have it Smile That was my grand idea for my 5000th post (hopefully the quality is okay Razz). Something different than what we've seen so far, and something fun for me Razz I'd also like to point out that the rock I painted only lasted at most two hours, because when Pyrokai and I drove past it again, it'd already been painted over by the fucking Delta-Tau-Deltas...but hey, my paint wasn't dry yet, so theirs just slid down the rock and looked like shit anyway.

SOOOO, the next part, because I like doing this and haven't done it since probably my 1000th post: shout-outs! Yay!!

AMANDA: As founder of AltReality and OrgPlanet, you will ALWAYS be first on this list of shout-outs. Differences or not, I can't possibly deny that none of this would even exist without you. You're the reason I play (and now host!) ORGs, you're the reason I started using forums, and you're the reason I invest so much time in this place. I love it so much, and without you, it wouldn't exist, so mad love for Mandie, always and forever.

MORRIS: Next in line, because you hit 5000 before me, and you're a bitch. I don't really know how you being a bitch fits into that, but you and I both know I had to throw it in there. It's vital, really. Even though I'm still totally bummed that you didn't make a 5000th (I mean, technically you did, but whatever), I'll forgive you, because I called you like three times in my video and it makes me feel better knowing that I've hopefully motivated you to never take pity on me again. Also, you're just really awesome, and I know you're there whenever I might need it...except when the sun is up, because you're nocturnal and stuff. I can't wait to see what you'll tell me about next...ya know, all those things you tell me about that I know absolutely zilch about? I love that.

CORY: Just like the two above, probably one of the people in this community I've known and chatted with almost since the very beginning. Plus, you're one of my Ohio buddies, and one of only two people from the board I've met in person! Let's do that again sometime! Glad you've become more immersed in the community since the last time I did a shout-out, and I'm glad we've gotten back into the groove of talking Smile It's been really awesome getting to know you better!

DJ: Probably the last person from AltReality that I remember casually talking to pre-OrgPlanet. You rule. I mean, I don't really know how else to say it, but you're awesome, and I love talking to you on AIM when you come home...happy cheers (because, let's face it, that's usually when I talk to you on AIM).

CAM: You, my friend, are fucking phenomenal, and I'm glad you and I have been talking a bit more lately. I dunno if it's just cuz of the game or what, but I'm glad we can chat casually here and there, and occasionally have a deep (what's that?) conversation that ends in like, awesomeness (I know, articulate, right?). Plus, you put up with my harassing of you, and my constant advances about getting you out of light-green scrubs you don't even own yet (but will, so help me God).

THIAN: I still want to know more about you, but until then, I'll settle for quite possibly the best OrgPlanet posts ever: OrgPlanet Member Help. Never stop talking to me like I'm a customer.

PETE: Co-host and host of the first game I ever played on OrgP AND my highest-placing game thus far! Glad to get the chance to start talking to you a bit more, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better through our work together!

DEET: You are just totally awesome, all the time. Even though it sounds really corny, because I'm only like, two years older than you, I forget you're 19 (or twenty?) all the time, because you've just got the greatest head on you, and you say all the right things at all the right times (and now that I'm not in a game with you, I know you're not just fluffing me up Wink ). I can't wait to get the chance to play with you again, I can't wait to get the chance to play in one of your games, and I can't wait for the next time we can share Kristen Stewart interviews moments and laugh at her complete and utter awkwardness...

JESS: I think I tweet with you the most, and that makes me happy. Even if you are afraid of the weirdest things and you ran away to England to take care of the weirdest child ever, you're still totally cool because you helped me think of a bajillion possible answers for the question: "What the hell does SMH stand for?" Someday, I may even read your book. I'll letcha know the next time I'm "craving a book about a chick that gets preggers."

JORDAN: I still know next to nothing about you personally, but you put together Voter's Choice and do a damn fine job with all the littlest details, so keep on keepin on, dude!

BRANT: Hosting you has been a blast! I don't think I really knew you well beforehand (though I know we apparently played in Flatpoint together...I was apparently drunk that whole time, since I'm an idiot and don't remember most of it), but you're one rad dude! I'm glad you're in my game, because it's given me the chance to chat with you here and there, and yeah, I'm glad that's the case Razz

KENYA: I still don't know a whole lot about you either, but you seem like a pretty cool chica. Glad to have you in my game, and hopefully when all is said and done, I'll get the chance to talk to you when I'm not grilling you with Confessional-style questions Razz

BRYAN: Another guy I've gotten a bit more insight to through OPS4! And glad I have! Hopefully I'll see you a bit more in the future, so we can chat it up a bit, but until then, I'll take what I can get Smile Plus, you have an avatar about bearded men eating cupcakes, and that is always a good thing!!

SADIE: I love you, Sadie! You are too amazing, and I wish I saw/heard/chatted with you more! I mean that too! IM me and tell me a story, because I feel like you'd tell the best ones Smile

LSFISSUE, CHIPPEWA, TRAVIS, COURNOJO, and SAND_STORM: Shout-outs to you guys, because you're all in my game, so I've had the chance to chat with you all recently! Hopefully that doesn't change, because I love a good conversation!

ANNIE: I love that you're allowed back on here and the cops have left us alone (maybe). But if they haven't, let me throw this in there: I still want to bang every single cop that is looking at this post, especially the fat ones with mustaches eating doughnuts. Nothing is hotter than a fat guy in a cop suit eating a jelly-filled doughnut...EXCEPT ANNIE! Because she's my Survivor wife, and she is beautiful Smile Also, she really does have the best stories (re: the cop story and the garage door story).

NIKI: Please keep coming back! We love you here, and we love your posts!

JEREMY: You too! Allow me to use this shout-out as an attempt to lure you into gracing us with your presence a bit more often. I think everyone here wants to bang you a little (probably a lot), and since we can't, we enjoy having your posts to tide us over.

PYROKAI: Thanks for helping me with the video. NOW GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE MORE OFTEN.

OPS2 CREW: Bon Temps, screw you Wink Forkers, screw some of you Razz The rest of you, Alice says she'd hug you, but you're all kinda stinky.

ANYONE ELSE: Make yourselves known and feel free to chat with me. I love it! I want you to be in my next shout-out Smile You deserve it! ...unless you don't talk to me. Then expecting to be in a shout-out is kinda silly, if I must be honest Wink

I don't really know what else to do for my 5000th post. I mean, I'd say this was worth the wait, but who knows, I'll let you decide.


bounce cheers drunken king guitar rocker banana bounce
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 9:24 pm

awesome post and video Doug, that was seriously awesome! lol, shame that the rock didn't last long but you have the video of it so that is the important thing :D
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Porn Star
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 9:26 pm


What an amazing idea for a 5000th post!!! At first I was like "oh noes america!" But then I was like, oh okay everyone always paints on it.

OMG you have no idea how awesome this is, well I suppose you do since you came up with the idea.

Thank you for taking the time to do something as spectacular as this. Even if it was painted over shortly after, who cares. You still have it on video and we got to see something truly epic. And the shoutouts to everyone was really nice. I can tell you love this community, and I love YOU for that!

You are a huge part of Org Planet and truly make this site a joy to come to because I get to hang out with you!!

Oh, and hi Pyrokai Smile (post more! rawr)

P.S. Your face on the screencap of the video is amazing.
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 9:38 pm

This is absolutely incredible. Thank you, Doug. Smile
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Lucky Star
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 9:40 pm

Dear Willy Wonka

ORGPlanet Member Help appreciates your recognition. In your efforts of reaching 5000 posts within the community ORGPlanet Member Help would like to extend a congratulatory gold star for being a recognized active member among the community.

Please feel free to reach out to our many customer service departments anytime you need anything.


ORGPlanet Member Help
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Shooting Star
Shooting Star

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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 10:48 pm

Thanks, everyone, so much! I'm glad you're all enjoying it Smile I'm so glad for each and every one of you hug

Pete, it's true! I'm totally glad I have the video, otherwise no one would know I did it Razz

Cam, that means so much! Thanks! (And yes, Pyrokai DEFINITELY needs to come around here more; I'll let him know you think so Wink )

Brant, it's all totally true! I'm glad I've gotten to [re]connect with you Laughing Someday I'll have PTSD flashbacks of Flatpoint, and you're the first person I'll come to when it happens Wink

and ORGPlanet Member Help, that is the single most meaningful gold star I've ever gotten. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you've actually got a bit of emotion behind that personable but stern exterior shell Razz
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyMon Jul 05, 2010 11:45 pm

Thanks for the shout out, Doug Doug's 5000th Post 871743 I'd love to share some ORG Planet cake beside your ORG Planet rock.
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Lucky Star
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyTue Jul 06, 2010 1:27 am

Dear Willy Wonka,

Although ORGPlanet Member Help may seem to have a heart, ORGPlanet Member Help must remain at a distance for unbiased, informative and informational type responses and requests. We do recognize the activity our members provide to the community and are not opposed to rewarding a member if efforts of said member warrent gold stars. If there is anything further please notify ORGPlanet Member Customer Service Department or send a letter to ORGPlanet Member Suggestion Box.

We do value your membership and hope to provide you with the highest of online message board entertainment on the internet.

ORGPlanet Member Help
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyTue Jul 06, 2010 5:58 am


That video was awesome but you didn't sweat enough in it, you should fix that for next time. And there better be a next time. Because this was the best thing eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever, and I'm glad you're better than me for once!!!!!!!!
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyTue Jul 06, 2010 6:09 am

Also, what you said was so sweet, you're such a sweetheart.
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyTue Jul 06, 2010 8:32 am

Mo's Cock > Painted Rock

Sorry, Doug.
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Shooting Star
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyTue Jul 06, 2010 10:48 am

Hahaha, I dunno what version you got, DJ, but I didn't see any cock in Mo's post *shrug*

And Mo, there's an outtake on my computer right now talking about how much I was sweating. I think I even showed the camera my moob-sweat. It was tre attractive.
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyTue Jul 06, 2010 10:54 am

We must see the outtakes!!
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PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyTue Jul 06, 2010 7:46 pm

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Star Quartz
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyWed Jul 07, 2010 3:33 pm

This was AWESOME Doug!!! So so cool! And thanks for the shout-out, you truly are a great friend and member of this community! Smile
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyWed Jul 07, 2010 6:42 pm

Doug basically IS the community. Without him posting I doubt it would be half as active.
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyThu Jul 08, 2010 2:13 pm

Hahaha, that was really entertaining. I wasn't expecting all of that, and for a long time I was like....WHEN THE HELL IS HE GOING TO DO WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO. And now you did it. So there.

Anyways, thanks for the message. Maybe I'll leave you and some others a message when I get up to 5000, but I don't expect that to happen for a really really long time. You will definitely get an invite when I finally host, and maybe it'll be here, and I won't have to hunt you down!

Yay for 5000, and yay for ORG Planet.
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Shooting Star
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyFri Jul 09, 2010 1:11 am

Thanks, Cory, Mo, and Deet! Glad you enjoyed it :]

But now...Where do I go from here???
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Doug's 5000th Post Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doug's 5000th Post   Doug's 5000th Post EmptyFri Jul 09, 2010 3:48 am

My bed?
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