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 You know it's Pokemon related because it's me

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5 posters

Posts : 5522
Join date : 2009-09-06
Age : 40

You know it's Pokemon related because it's me Empty
PostSubject: You know it's Pokemon related because it's me   You know it's Pokemon related because it's me EmptyMon May 03, 2010 1:00 am

You know it's Pokemon related because it's me 129149766767755198

You know it's Pokemon related because it's me 129170500777131900
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Star Emerald
Star Emerald

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You know it's Pokemon related because it's me Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know it's Pokemon related because it's me   You know it's Pokemon related because it's me EmptyMon May 03, 2010 1:19 am

ROFL that is sooo like wtf Razz
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Posts : 542
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Age : 33
Location : Toronto, Ontario

You know it's Pokemon related because it's me Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know it's Pokemon related because it's me   You know it's Pokemon related because it's me EmptyMon May 03, 2010 2:56 am

I wish that was my life. You know it's Pokemon related because it's me 871743
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Age : 33
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You know it's Pokemon related because it's me Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know it's Pokemon related because it's me   You know it's Pokemon related because it's me EmptyMon May 03, 2010 4:03 am

Using electrode on a Lapras? What a jerk. That's not how you score women.
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Age : 33
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You know it's Pokemon related because it's me Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know it's Pokemon related because it's me   You know it's Pokemon related because it's me EmptyMon May 03, 2010 4:23 am

This made me go on Omegle, btw:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: drugs now

You: crack or meth?

Stranger: neither

Stranger: heroin

You: good cause i only have Heroin

You: let's do this

Stranger: great

You: lol

Stranger: can you send it through skype?

You: Idk

You: I'll have to compress it

Stranger: what kinda dealer are you?

You: E-dealer

You: clearly

Stranger: I dont want no compressed shit

Stranger: last time my fucking heart stopped

Stranger: LOL

Stranger: E-dealer

Stranger: classic

You: yep

Stranger: so what now?

You: hmm

Stranger: I know

You: i guess that was good enough

You: lol

Stranger: how about that local sports team

You: oh yes

You: the one who played that game last weekday and almost scored a certain amount of points to acheive a certain goal?

Stranger: yea

Stranger: that one

You: yeah, didn't watch it

You: heard it was good though

Stranger: ah shit...

Stranger: I hate that guy though

Stranger: the one tht is tall

Stranger: he is a fucking prick

Stranger: thinking is all hot shit

You: oh yeah, i know, it's know he's not half as good as he thinks

You: nor does he deserve all the hype everyone gives him

Stranger: not at all

You: he'll be washed up in 5 years, im tellin you

Stranger: 3

You: yeah probably 3

Stranger: probably will get caught with a stripper

Stranger: somebody needs to rape and murder his mother

You: 15 year old stripper

You: agreed

Stranger: well sir ....guess I am off

Stranger: good day

You: good day sir


That was fun.
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Age : 40

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PostSubject: Re: You know it's Pokemon related because it's me   You know it's Pokemon related because it's me EmptyMon May 03, 2010 4:57 am

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Porn Star
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You know it's Pokemon related because it's me Empty
PostSubject: Re: You know it's Pokemon related because it's me   You know it's Pokemon related because it's me EmptyMon May 03, 2010 10:23 am

Deet that was amazing Razz
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PostSubject: Re: You know it's Pokemon related because it's me   You know it's Pokemon related because it's me Empty

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You know it's Pokemon related because it's me
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